More of a second day story, but there are some swing seat Rs, like Mike Garcia, who announced that they'd support the electoral contest when they thought it would be a box-checking thing. How much of this do they own in 2022?
People forget things like shutdowns, but the footage of armed men storming the House at gunpoint is going to stick with people. And years of "we're the jobs, not mobs" party branding, poof.
Social justice protests are politics, but they're not about electoral politics. When they turn into riots, it's not because Democratic politicians told them to be "wild" and "stand up and stand by" to keep them in power.
A theme I heard again and again from the people outside today was that if it was *Democrats* who lost and stormed the capitol, the media would support it. The Democrats *have* lost before. They've been obnoxious sometimes. They have not done this.
There were anarchist protests in DC when Trump was inaugurated. They focused on damaging property downtown, never on overthrowing the government. This crowd had more of a mind to overthrow the government than *actual anarchists.*
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