Okay, fuck it, we all need to chill out more than we need a 24 hour poll. Looks like the emeralds are winning (41%) and I know I have a bunch of emerald fans out there, so here we go. #JewelWatch
Chopard, Nunn, and the bottom two are Yue. A garden to wear.
Chopard, Nunn, and the bottom two are Yue. A garden to wear.
The focal points are the fire opal monarchs leaving the chrysaliseseseses, but the emeralds in the posts of the earrings and loop of the pendant are nice. (Smirti)
That remains one of my favorite suites of all time.
Emeralds and aquamarines. From Boghossian. Never been able to decide if I like them or not, but they're nice stones.
Emeralds and aquamarines. From Boghossian. Never been able to decide if I like them or not, but they're nice stones.
Awesome ring from Barker. Not sure if it's green tourmaline or emerald; color looks a little more like tourmaline, but it could be my monitor, and it's cool, so do we care?
Possibly emerald, possibly green garnet sneks crawling around a nice bracelet of diamonds and moonstones. These kinds of things are why I love design; a zillion bracelets like this, but someone said "how about some snakes?" (Betteridge)
From Paula Crevoshay, the drops are chrysoprase, pretty sure. The curlicues are probably green garnets but they COULD be emeralds, and it's Crevoshay, who I love, so you're stuck. Neener.
Jewelry Theater did a whole four-element series and this is a brooch from the earth section and kind of a leaf with a green trillion-cut stone of some kind.
Might be another acceptable use of brown diamonds.
Moss agate and rutilated quartz, and you'd see lots of this stuff if y'all ever voted for alternate materials. (Pean)
Moss agate and rutilated quartz, and you'd see lots of this stuff if y'all ever voted for alternate materials. (Pean)
Jade frogs and emerald lily pads from Suzanne Syz. Bracelet that is a hoot, which is in keeping with how she does things.
Okay, these are HAND PAINTED WOOD from Furmanovich, with some small diamonds, and it's boggling and green and amazing so there you go don't @ me.
From Kavant, green stones of some kind, I didn't take notes. But you know the earring rule.
From Kavant, green stones of some kind, I didn't take notes. But you know the earring rule.
Earrings from Koulis, almost definitely emeralds because they're a favorite of his. He's going to become the Tiffany of the 21st century. Only more Deco and less Nouveau.
Leaf pendant containing damn near every blue and green stone there is, with green-colored gold. The pendant probably doubles as a brooch because they usually do. (Neely)
I'm taking better notes now, I promise. Y'all could be getting zultanite if you'd vote for alternate materials.
Slytherin cuffs from Jacob & Co, those are very definitely ginormous emerald drops.
Slytherin cuffs from Jacob & Co, those are very definitely ginormous emerald drops.
I honestly don't know if that's the set with exceptional manufacturing accuracy or a single, doubled. But they come as a pair.
Antique oak earrings c1860. In case you thought asymmetric earrings were new. I want them. Gimmie gimmie gimmie.
And a pause for dinner.
If I were a CEO I'd have an endless number of flower brooches for my lapel, and this would be one of the first. That briolette diamond dew drop. Love. (Gimel)
Bracelet and earrings from Nick Koulis, another who's going to be remembered for quite a while. I think he's barely thirty and already has collectors.
From Carnet. Because they're from Carnet, I suspect they're actual emeralds. (They're super high-end.)
Leaf earrings from Wendy Yue, I believe those are emeralds, and the blue is opal. Well, the big hunks.
Another break for reality.
I swear it's not to hide a body.
I swear it's not to hide a body.
Okay. Body's hidden.
An emerald brooch belonging to Catharine the Great. Check the settings. And the old-mine cut diamonds. And the wonky cut on that emerald.
An emerald brooch belonging to Catharine the Great. Check the settings. And the old-mine cut diamonds. And the wonky cut on that emerald.
You know, THIS Grand Duchess Vladmir. (Queen Mary bought the tiara from her when she turned up in London after the Revolution.) It only came in pearl drops or not, until Mary tinkered with it and added an option for emerald drops.
Bandeau and necklace in pastel stones with a honking yellow diamond at the center of the necklace, from Chanel. (I KNOW.) All those green stones, gotta be an emerald in there.
The only good piece from VC&A in living memory, and there's no emeralds but we need a laugh and it's hilarious and I love it.
Asymmetric rose earrings from Piaget again.
Piaget does some surprisingly good stuff considering they only made watches for a long time.
Piaget does some surprisingly good stuff considering they only made watches for a long time.
These are either some kind of jadeite or green marble. From Amorim. But they're green and the earrings MIGHT have emeralds in them. Maybe.
Two pairs of emerald earrings from Amrapali. The carving on the left is amazing, and the design on the right is amazing, and I love Amrapali.
Another emerald parure, also antique. Love the ribbon of baguette cuts along the bottom edge of the necklace.
I'm telling you, if you ever want jewelry, hit an antique store before you do anything else. These MIGHT be emerald, but I lean toward jade with the engraving. The blue at the corners (lapis or sapphire?) is a great touch.
Fantastic peacock earrings. Everyone wants to do peacocks and they rarely pull it off, but these are great. (Arman)
Not sure if these are emeralds; the central stones are peridot. But they're so delicate and pretty. From Autore.
Double ring from Suzanne Belperron; the setting is amazing. The stones - I kept notes! - are tourmaline, peridot, sapphire, emerald, and beryl.
Confused by the last bit because emeralds are beryls, but whatever.
Confused by the last bit because emeralds are beryls, but whatever.
A lariat necklace of hexagons, with the clasp made of an emerald that fits into a hexagon of baguette diamonds. (Borzaya)
And speaking of peacocks, this was the "Plume" suit from Boschi; the pendant at lower right can be worn as a brooch. And on the left is - I think - a pair of earrings.
A suite from Bulgari; wouldn't stake my life on those being emeralds, but they might be. (It's not a parure until there's a tiara.)
Necklace and earrings from Butani; I'm more impressed by the construction than the overall impression on these, if you get me.
Necklace from Carnet. With transparently set diamonds holding the pendant on, because that's how they roll.
Interesting how those rose cuts on the interior of the full diameter of the pendant are set.
Another ring from Chopard. The heart cut is still horrible, but the rest of the ring is pretty good.
Anyone saying 'vulva' will be banished to the Great Dismal Swamp with a sharpened stick and a half-empty lighter.
Anyone saying 'vulva' will be banished to the Great Dismal Swamp with a sharpened stick and a half-empty lighter.
From the Silk Road Collection, Chopard teamed up with Guo Pei. That has GOT to be titanium, nothing else would hold together without bending.
From Coffin & Trout (I don't know), a bi-colored tourmaline with champagne diamonds and rubies as accent. I WANT IT.
I know it's not an emerald but I don't care.
I know it's not an emerald but I don't care.
A garden on a pendant. Leaves (possibly weed), a dragon fly, maybe a caterpillar? around a pool of blue topaz.
A brooch-pendant from Paula Crevoshay, that's a cross-section of watermelon tourmaline in the big triangle, then an emerald and a couple rubies or more tourmaline, with diamonds for accent. Best watermelon tourmaline treatment I've ever seen.
Slytherin earrings from Dominic-Jones. I don't normally go for this kind of gothy stuff but I really like these.
Emerald ring from Theo Fennell, when you flip the lid there are frogs kissing. And check the cattails and dragonflies engraved on the shank of the ring. Really nice attention to detail.
Emerald, onyx, and diamonds, from Foquet, one of the movers and shakers of the art deco era. IIRC he decorated Vionnet's salon for her.
The Furmanovich brooch again, because it's stunning. The wings are traditional Asian lacquer work with inlaid abalone shell, with diamonds, and the body is emeralds.
Necklace from Henn of London. It takes real skill to combine stones that big with enamel and have it work. Yum.
From Kahn, a very Mogul necklace, with a yummy carved emerald. Whole thing is perfect, the design, the technique, the combination. Bravo.
Matching bamboo garden earrings and bracelet. With little dragonflies and micro-set leaves. Perfection again. (Hu)
We're gonna take a break from all the perfection, I may or may not come back to it tonight but we'll finish it up in the next few days as I try not to explode with rage at the news.
Okay! Emeralds!
Gorgeous opal ring, with either a bi-color snake or a tulip (I think tulip) for the ring. Nice. (Jetter)
Gorgeous opal ring, with either a bi-color snake or a tulip (I think tulip) for the ring. Nice. (Jetter)
Nick Koulis is another amazing young jeweler, and emeralds are one of his favorites. The settings on the right? Those emeralds are held within the outer ring with TRANSPARENT ENAMEL.
I love these. Floral earrings. Done a billion times, right? But they make them cartoony, throw in a swirl and emeralds to read as leaves, and boom. New again. (Palmiero)
Enamel, emeralds, diamonds, malachite, and carbon fiber. Probably in white gold. And it works. (Piaget)
Earrings from Carnet. Purple/green seems to be a favorite color combo, and it's brilliant because you haven't even noticed the center stones don't match.
Purple sapphires and emerald beads. I TOOK NOTES. (DeGrisogono) With diamonds they call that a snow setting? I think? And with diamonds I'm 'meh' but I love it in colored stones.
Lavender jade, diamonds, emeralds, and I think pink sapphires. I love when odd stone and color combos work. (Boschi)
Bracelet from JAR. The bracelet itself is anodized titanium, and the flowers wrapped around it are probably every stone possible in those colors.
I love the classic filigree look, especially when they fill it in with unusual stones like amethyst and emeralds for accents. (Tanishq)
Antique Tiffany, four leaf clover with a pearl. Slight alteration and you'd have mistletoe which would be TOTALLY COOL, but no.
Those appear to be portrait set before that setting was officially invented, love that.
Those appear to be portrait set before that setting was officially invented, love that.
Except it's new and done with that goddamn light blue gold they use now. UGH.
Lots of antiques incoming. This is from Cartier, back when they did good art deco stuff. This might be a buckle. I want it for a black cape clasp.
Another all time favorite, from Boghossian. Those are NATURAL, uncultured pearls. Some of the surrounds of the ginormous emeralds are opal, and some are mother of pearl with diamonds in it. Absolutely excessive, and stunning.
Boucheron's ivy suite. Someone made a tiara like this too, but I don't think it was them? Anyway, English ivy, in emeralds, earrings and necklace.
Harry should have gotten these for Meghan. Haha.
Harry should have gotten these for Meghan. Haha.
I'll be damned, the tiara's from Boucheron too. Only ever seen in the wild once, on Queen Raina of Jordan.
Possible other sighting on Dita vonTeese, but no details and could be a knockoff.
Possible other sighting on Dita vonTeese, but no details and could be a knockoff.
One thing the ultra-rich like are evening bag/cases called
minaudiere, with matching accessories if you're really nuts. This is one of the nicer ones. Relatives of the old cigarette cases with matching jeweled lighters. (Buccelatti)
minaudiere, with matching accessories if you're really nuts. This is one of the nicer ones. Relatives of the old cigarette cases with matching jeweled lighters. (Buccelatti)
Cartier from 1932, already showing signs of their greatest fault, not knowing when to stop. That emerald, though.
Earrings and ring from Chanel. (ONCE IN A WHILE THEY GET IT RIGHT.) I love all the contrasting greens.
Another suite from Chopard's silk road collection. Anodized titanium, emeralds, sapphires diamonds. Unf.
Suite from DeGrisogono, I think some of those briolettes are peridot, but there are emeralds in the surround. Probably green garnets, too.
THE FLAGLER EMERALD! Set as a pendant, 35ct. Yum. Named after a robber baron scumbag friend of... Andrew Carnegie's, I think. Anyway, after he retired, for a hobby, he developed Florida. That's who Flagler Beach is named after.
Taking a break for reality, back sooner or later.
Righto, posting some emeralds. Need to finish this thread so I can do the 'unusual materials' thread and blow your minds.
Duckie bracelet in emerald, sapphire, and amethyst. (Della Valle.)
Duckie bracelet in emerald, sapphire, and amethyst. (Della Valle.)
Did I include this one yet? If not it's an antique from the '30s, emerald, sapphire, diamonds, and no one said what the black is. Enamel or onyx, even odds, I'd say.
Very nice modern suite from Faberge that doesn't suck, which is noteworthy. They still had to work in some goddamn eggs though. Of course they did.
Another suite, this one from Vuitton. I'm constantly amazed at how they work that plus sign and diamond logo into damn near everything (or Vs), and it works. Impressive.
A brilliant cut emerald (which I've complained about just today!) but protected by the setting, with little pink sapphire briolettes. Reminds me of a court jester's hat. (Nardi)
Nice alternative to bracelets or brooches with hidden watches, but I'd want the three, six, and nine marked out, at least. (Graff)
Someone needs to do a mechanical LED watch with gemstones that shift places to tell the time.
Someone needs to do a mechanical LED watch with gemstones that shift places to tell the time.
Really nice earrings, I love the design. No data on what the black material is. These days almost anything's possible. Definitely has style. (Inbar)
Y'all saw these before in the cursed objects thread, and I'm pretty sure they aren't on this one yet. Really interesting design on these, remind me of costume jewelry. (Jones)
From Kahn. I'm not sure if I like it or not, but it's definitely something. If the designer had half a brain, the pendant would detach and become a brooch.
Another selection of emerald pieces from Nick Koulis.
If I were spending money on 'investment' jewelry I'd buy this. He's going to be super collectible some time soon.
If I were spending money on 'investment' jewelry I'd buy this. He's going to be super collectible some time soon.
Very long necklace (sautoir), the ones you loop around a couple times, made with emeralds and diamonds. Possibly antique, not much data on it.
Great pearl bracelet with a stained-glass effect going on with the clasp. I'm indifferent to pearls and would wear the hell out of it. (Yewn)