It's not everyone?

Stop generalizing?


The culprits and their accomplices cannot find succor in your communities ever again.

That's now the bar.
If you break bread with them, share meals with them, *are intimate with them,* if you aid and abet them in any way...

If you don't disavow them...

You're responsible, too.

They're this bold and comfortable because MILLIONS of the racially innocent among us are accomplices.
I can't believe you want us to think of you as a good person, and then laugh with, eat and drink with, and sleep with these people.

There's no real social stigma for racists within your communities! You let them get away with "differences of opinion."

They're. Too. Comfortable.
For centuries, the Rest of Us have been held responsible for the actions and words of one of us. Or a few...

Keep that same energy when it comes to your communities.

Shun them. It's not hard!

--Signed, someone whose people, hometown & culture are judged by that standard daily.
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