Shark awake.
Seeing all the chaos that’s happening right now is actually kinda insane and threw me for a loop. But I do know this. Again, I’ve said it before: If you support Tr*mp in any way, shape, or form? Unfollow me.

Pool toys are anti fascist, as a reminder. 🎈
If you still believe that there isn’t systemic racism in this system, I behoove you to look at what’s going on right now. The police (over budgeted and militarized) did not actively try to stop these (essentially) traitors. If they were black protestors, they would’ve been shot.
This is what BLM/Antifa was fighting against, but you immediately labeled the groups as terrorists just because some buildings were burnt and windows broken (ignoring the fact that literally most of the protests were peaceful unless there were outside agitators).
Now ya have actual white supremacy laid bare before you, and you actively deny it.
“This isn’t America, this isn’t America” you say. But in fact it is. It’s deep rooted, it’s been a problem for hundreds of years. You knew about it, you didn’t do anything about it.
You reap what you sow is an apt phrase for what is happening now. They got a taste of what they wanted, and they want to keep it. By staging a coup (what you’re seeing now at the Capitol). I know when this is all over people are gonna try and get back to normal.
To quell the unrest and to ignore the injustice that they’ve seen over the past year. Well, ignoring it won’t help.
I’m black. I wasn’t too keen on this stuff nigh only a few years ago, but now it’s just. I’m tired. That anybody that doesn’t look white isn’t given the same opportunities as a white person inherently because our system is built upon it.
The police have proved to be a massive waste of time in this situation and in many others (see any BLM protest last year and the Nashville bombing this Christmas). Why people have said “defund the police” and ACAB is because the police force acts as an enforcement of what we had.
What we had, or more aptly, what we still have, is our pseudo-police state. Cops act and serve the rich, and their racial biases. Them allowing the Proud Boys and MAGA groups in general to protest while attacking BLM protestors show this in plain sight. Yet it was still ignored.
Biden also hasn’t really proved to do much either (I expected this) as he’s gone back on promised policy. I see him as an embodiment of the status quo. As he said himself: “Nothing will change..” and people ate that the hell up.
I know I’m jumping around from topic to topic, but this is what I think on all this. I know my tweets won’t get anywhere and I flip-flop from shark girl, pool toy, and politics on a dime. But if you aren’t aware, you won’t know. I just hope that change comes soon.
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