There are countless reasons why the Report isn't worth the paper it's written on. #WastedTaxDollars 2/15
The Report mistreats and misconstrues police service call data, relying on crude measures of "crime". #CrimeFiction 3/15
The survey methods presented in the Report are deeply problematic. The review haphazardly assesses public perceptions and cherry-picks anecdotal and biased accounts of "crime" to feed a preexisting narrative. #SurveyBias 4/15
The Report employs unscientific and invalid "methods" to measure and interpret changes in "crime". #MissingAnalysis 5/15
Despite attempts to blame SCSs for many things, the severe methodological flaws prevent any observed effects from being attributed to the SCSs. #fatalflaws 6/15
Basic research principles and evaluation procedures are overlooked, ignored, and inadequately performed by the government appointed review Committee. #badscience 7/15
My review finds that:

"the magnitude of methodological flaws in the Report undermine the validity of its criminological claims and raise significant issues with the soundness of it conclusions" 8/15
The Report shows a disregard for rigourous science & sound evidence when it comes to reducing deaths of people who use drugs.

Despite being aware of the severe methodological problems: "the [Alberta] government accepts the report in its entirety" 9/15
The solution to the overdose/ drug-poisoning crisis is clearly articulated by experts and advocates:

✅ Expand harm reduction
✅ Create safer supply
✅ Decriminalize drugs

SCSs are key to an effective response, despite what the Report suggests. 13/15
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