When I joined the military, I took an oath to defend my country against all threats, foreign and domestic. These are seditionists. These are domestic enemies. These are the same people refusing to wear masks because they feel it's their right to spread coronavirus.
It’s been so obvious that the tear gas, rubber bullets, and police brutality are reserved only for black people and Black Lives Matter protesters. Today is case in point. From now on, I will refer to the Republican Party as the Jim Crow Party.
Republicans only care about suppressing black votes, and their outright bigotry led to exactly this. I hope Mitch McConnell and all those Republican Senators who wouldn't impeach Trump are proud of themselves. This is their fault too.
If they had just impeached Trump like they should've, then we wouldn’t be seeing this today. So I suppose the Republican Party is happy. They clearly got what they wanted. What other outcome did they possibly expect?
This mob of seditionists need to be arrested, including the chickenhawk hiding in the White House who instigated it all. I’ve had it. I’m done. I’m beyond angry. I've had enough of the polarization of these two parties and their dictatorship. Look where it’s gotten us.
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