Listen folks, I understand that y'all are trying to come up with words to describe what you're seeing, but these motherfuckers ARE. NOT. ANARCHISTS.

1. Do you see a book anywhere?
2. Is there a Food Not Bombs table set up?
3. Is anyone patiently explaining the philosophy of it?
What I'm seeing is Confederate flags, Trump flags, Proud Boy gear and so on.

Confederates, Trumpists, and Proud Boys are all trying to PRESERVE THE STATE AS IT EXISTS AT THIS MOMENT.

That's the exact opposite of anarchism which usually seeks to abolish the state.
Furthermore, anarchism seeks to REDUCE and ELIMINATE state power over people and power relations in general ... this ain't that. This is people who want to preserve their status in an existing power structure when they feel it is under threat.
Anarchists, seeing a power structure crumble, would be fucking REJOICING.

Like Emma apparently never said, if I can't dance, it's not my revolution. (

And these motherfuckers are making sure they're the only ones who can get on the floor.
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