False flag at capitol. Stay tuned
I will do my best to describe the false flag in DC. From my own eyewitness accounts (being at the part in the Capitol that was broken into and seeing what happened and the police response and asking other bystanders) here is what I have put together and what you should know:
1. The reporting of someone breaking into the Capitol started while Trump was still speaking, right away the narrative was that it was “Trump Supporters”

2. The obvious rebuttal to that is no Trump supporter would go do violence WHILE hearing from Donald Trump.
3. The police response wasn’t until 2:30-3:00. This was AFTER Trump finished and the crowd MOVED from the Ellipse to the Capitol building. This walk is approximately ten to fifteen minutes if you are fast moving and there’s no traffic.

I witnessed this myself.
4. The next thing you should put together from three is that the police response was delayed until that point.
5. 30-40 police cars showed up, armored vehicles (military style), SWAT in full gear, etc. This was not in the front (where the protestors were) but to the side, per eyewitnesses (questioned by me) there were smoke grenades and flash bangs used by the police.
6. I instantly got the complete and utter idea that this was being used as a distraction so that Antifa could move in. Sure enough as I started my walk back I noticed more and more undercover ANTIFA moving toward the Capitol, which now suddenly had fewer cops...
7. Anecdotal: A group of Antifa moved in and were saying “Black Power” in the middle of a group of Trump supporters. The Trump supporters instantly surrounded them, the police were watching from afar, I told them to get involved as s/t was about to go down and they said:
“We know” and sat there and did nothing. I say this as it is important to understand that the police may have been in on it.
8. There were exactly three times that I personally observed sketchy “MAGA” antagonizing the crowd, EACH time real MAGA told them to go fuck themselves and stop. “That’s not what we’re here for”

Placing antagonizers in crowds is Communist playbook 101 FYI.
9. When the protest moved to the Capitol Building, NOBODY was trying to get violent.
Put together the above real facts, and use it to question the narrative.

There is also an allegation (photo) showing these people who broke in also dressed as ANTIFA in other rallies.

The rally was very peaceful, people were not riled up. And, importantly, the timing is off
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