quick reminder that before you cancel your non-american non-anglophone mutuals for tweeting about other things, check whether you were ever preoccupied with something else while there was a national crisis going on in their country because chances are you were
i know some people are gonna say this is reflective of a worldwide issue and yes it absolutely is, most events in modern history are, but you never stop talking about other things when there’s a crisis going on in the middle east, latam or asia, so why should they?
for the record i’m not saying you’re allowed to be non-political! i just mean that this is very much a national crisis, the state is causing the downfall of democracy, and if your mutual from portugal tweets a fancam in the midst of this, it shouldn’t be your #1 concern
exactly this! some people have said they don’t care and i do not support indifference, even if you have experienced worse, i’m simply asking everyone to check their hypocrisy https://twitter.com/klausdykegf/status/1346943386582966273
muting this now but everyone please remember to take care of yourselves! these are especially stressful times and you might not be capable of handling things as you would normally. we should all do as much as we can, but your well-being comes first
damn some of the qrts are way off base... i do not want to be associated with people who saw this tweet as a be-apolitical-free-pass thank u
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