This is an unprecedented and remarkable opportunity for foreign adversaries to bug politicians’ offices.
If you don’t think there are foreign agenda in that crowd — who now have unfettered, unrecorded, and unrestricted access — you are naive.

The security of the United States is deeply, deeply compromised.
* foreign agents.
Congressional staffers forgot to lock their computers in their haste to evacuate from an INVASION OF THE CAPITOL BUILDING BY ARMED TERRORISTS.

Terrorists had unfettered access to Congress members’ communications.
Every piece of electronics in that building must be ripped out, thrown out, and replaced now.


Down to the electric sockets.
One presumes agents have been inside the building for hours.

Assume SCIFs breached.

Assume malware planted in all systems.

Assume all computers compromised.

Assume bugs installed.

Assume all networks compromised, including private RF networks.
Someone sabotaged the entire Iranian nuclear centrifuge operation at Natanz with malware (Stuxnet).

Stuxnet was introduced into Natanz via a USB flash drive.

Agents have presumably been in the US Capitol for HOURS.
Please tag your members of Congress.

I am genuinely terrified of the national security implications.

Our networks are NOT SAFE.
You can follow @dataandpolitics.
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