Everybody who voted for, supported, excused, worked for, and perpetuated this monster...and everyone who dismissed, invalidated, undermined and ignored the warnings and fears of Black folks and POC who TOLD you that it absolutely could and would come to this owns this.

You do not get to wipe the dirt off your hands when the seed you planted has sprouted.
We told you this could and would happen because it’s happened before, and you called us “crazy.”
We told you the police would never treat them at their most violent as I humanely as they treat us when we are peaceful, and you scoffed.
You boarded up your businesses and sent out your officers and your tear gas when all we said was “Black lives matter,”

but you stood back, unprepared and surprised when violent white terrorists showed up exactly as they told you they would and put us all in danger.
And you ignored us, because you didn’t want confront how you, too, had planted the seeds, and kept watering it all.
All of this has been incited by generations of administrations, centuries of culture, and lifetimes of systemic supremacy.
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