EDTWT ONLY RT // what’s happening in america right now

(updating as things happen)

summary: trump supporting terrorists are storming the U.S. capitol building in an attempt to force our congress to stop counting electoral college votes (which would confirm biden’s victory)
they’re breaking into congresspeople’s offices and the congresspeople have been evacuated for their protection https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1346920244288348160
picture of a rioter stealing from the capitol building https://twitter.com/ryanlizza/status/1346919475380043778
more pictures of rioters inside the capitol building
here’s a video that shows the terrorists outside the capitol — apparently guns have been fired but its not clear as of rn if anyone has been injured. https://twitter.com/cowboykgz/status/1346919188493979649
CNN confirming that they are inside the capitol. they’re destroying it to get inside. https://twitter.com/cnn/status/1346920797026267137
not sure if i believe this because apparently the government has declined the national guard to help quell the riots but: https://twitter.com/mepfuller/status/1346922287866507271
UPDATE: the national guard have been deployed https://twitter.com/cbsnews/status/1346922385216163845
wow https://twitter.com/bubbaprog/status/1346920198461419520
violence has broken out https://twitter.com/sethabramson/status/1346923156292968451
UPDATE: people are asking mike pence + the cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment, which allows him to take control from trump in situations like these
FBI is now inside the capitol building https://twitter.com/frankfigliuzzi1/status/1346939370117337089
UPDATE: representative ilhan omar is going to attempt to have trump impeached due to the violent protests in the capitol https://twitter.com/cbsnews/status/1346939248486744066
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