I’m at the Utah State Capitol, where a crowd has gathered with Trump flags and signs that say “Stop the Steal” at the same moment the U.S. Capitol has been breached. Hearing that Capitol staff here have been ordered to evacuate amid this protest. #utpol
A speaker has a small megaphone and is speaking to a crowd from the steps. He reiterates unproven claims that the election was stolen and says “we need to stand up and make sure our legislators are in full awareness that this is a nation of laws.”
He calls on everyone to call 10 friends so they can get 10 times as many people there. He asks, “Do you think we’re going to see Biden as president?” “No!” the crowd cries back.
Trump flags are a dime a dozen here. A few people have even wrapped them around their shoulders. #utpol
Not a lot of masks here.

“Who here believes that this election was stolen?” the speaker asks and the crowd cheers.
I’m estimating there are around 250 people here. Not a super high energy crowd so far. Here’s a look:
Current speaker (didn’t catch a name if he gave one) boasts about not wearing a mask anywhere. People cheer him on! “No masks!” one screams from the back as the speaker says they’re a symbol of communism.
Sounds like a few more might be coming in the next hour:
Some signs resting on the ground outside the Capitol:
A guy standing near the road at the entrance to the Capitol has a megaphone. He’s shouting “four more years for Donald J. Trump” as cars pass by. Video:
Utah Citizens Alarm and Proud Boys are here. (I deleted a previous tweet that gave an incorrect name for UCA)
More scenes from the Capitol:
Salt Lake Tribune photographer Rick Egan has been pepper sprayed by people here upset he was documenting the event. @sltrib #uptol
Tribune photographer @fkjolseth rinses Rick’s eyes with water.
The crowd breaks into a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. Now screaming “USA! USA! USA!”
Gail and Larry Tomlinson from Park City talk about why they came to the Capitol today:
Happening now on the steps of the Utah Capitol:
New chant: “Recall Romney!”

Now: “Fraud is illegal!”
The Trump Tater has arrived
Guessing we’ve grown to around 400 people at this point. Here’s a wide view of what it looks like:
A small group of counter protestors hold a Black Lives Matter sign at the entrance to the Capitol. A guy with an American flag is yelling back, “All lives matter!”
Man driven out of the Capitol:
Speeches continue on the steps of the Capitol. Here’s what it looks like now:
We’re Not Going to Take It is the song of the day here:
After the song, they sing the Star Spangled Banner and people kneel for a prayer. They pray to “save our nation.”

“If we fall short, Heavenly Father, we recognize we get what we deserve,” says the man leading the prayer.
Another musical act. This time, God Bless America. Flags whipping in the winds as people in the crowd sing along.
Happening now
Face off between Black Lives Matter and the Trump supporters continues
Proud Boys just backed out. (Also, my hands are getting cold; expect typos to come.)
This guy’s comments about journalists:
Another altercation between the Proud Boys and Black Lives Matter counter protestors.
Alright folks, I’m heading out to charge my phone, add to our story and warm up. Passing the baton to @sara_tabin for more live updates.
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