"Use clear definitions for actions and actors and provide coverage appropriate to those definitions." These are not protestors - they are anti-democratic organized groups spurred on by a state actor.
"Do not give a platform to individuals or groups who call for violence, spread disinformation, or foment racist ideas." Immediately deny the president a platform. That means you too - @Twitter and @Facebook.
"Uphold democratic norms." Again - this is not a 'protest.' It is an undemocratic attempt by the president, his supporters, and enablers in Congress and state-aligned media to hold onto power through intimidation, disinformation, and force.
"Help Americans understand the roots of unrest." State very clearly - this is an anti-democratic attempt to hold onto power rooted in the increasing, anti-democratic radicalization of a faction of the Republican Party.
You can follow @kreissdaniel.
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