Regarding the subject of lewd posting, I just want to add some perspective. Not everyone's idea of lewd or "too much" is the same. For some people, sexy outfits are crossing the line, while others only explicit sex is too lewd. Everyone's boundaries are different.
Unfortunately the nature of Twitter throws us all together in one big VTuber community and it's hard to keep lewd posts from crossing over into the wholesome side. Twitter also has a tendency to encourage and elevate controversial behavior because it pleases the algorithm.
It's just the nature of how the website works. I'm not asking y'all to stop, I'm just asking y'all to be more mindful of the reach that twitter can give these kinds of posts, and the unintended audiences it can reach. So you can better understand where they're coming from.
Lewdtubers? Y'all are awesome, I love that you feel confident enough in your sexuality to be the way you are, and I don't want y'all to stop. Wholesometubers? Your feelings are valid and I hear you. I just wish Twitter was better at containment.
What Twitter truly needs is a sort of content warning system, to where you can mark individual tweets with content warnings that could be filtered out with user preferences. Mastodon already uses such a system and it's wonderful, and Twitter should adopt the same.
Though the chances of Twitter actually listening and giving the users what they want are basically zero hahahaha.....
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