"The US, troubled by ugly scenes of the President's suppporters storming the country's highest political office, have tried to broker talks to bring some stability to the deeply troubled region, which held a successful national election," according to the NYT. Oh wait.
"Two months after historic elections where an overwhelming majority of people voted out a borderline lunatic, the region resembled a war zone as guns were drawn inside the capital, thus sending this war torn country back to the precipice," write the Washington Post. Oh.
"The dodgy outgoing president, who has questionable record on everything from race to income tax, tried to organise a coup as he stood back and watched his supporters tear down the democracy this country was hoping to achieve after recent landmark elections." WSJ. Hmmm.
"The country, which gets most of its aid from the US, has been thrown into chaos after a brazen attempt to kill democracy in broad daylight just months after it held its national ekection amid unprecedented allegations of unproven voter fraud." The Boston Globe
"Wednesday afternoon descended into a farce as the strongman leader egged his supporters to organise a coup and disrupt a process of certifying the recently held elections. The US have decided to cut all ties and impose sanctions on it." Newyorker.
"Hours after democracy died on TV, the US quickly scrambled its Elite Resoonse Team and a team of peacekeepers to oversee the transfer of power that turned violent after the President turned hostile on his own citizens." NY Post
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