🧖🏻‍♀️How YOU can Build a 7 Figure Business in the next 3 Months by Copying this Thread



Orthopaedic Pillow

Benefits: ultra soft & comfy, neck support, massaging effect on head, keeps your head cool, makes it easier to fall into a deep sleep, improves posture

AliExpress Price: $23.73 (free shipping)

Selling Price: $49.99 (free shipping)
🧖🏻‍♀️Potential Marketing Angles you could use:

⭐️ Help pregnant women to have their first good night’s sleep in months

⭐️ Quickly solves agonising neck pain

⭐️ Help people who live in super warm countries to sleep easier due to having a cooling pillow

⭐️ Improve Gamer’s Posture
🧖🏻‍♀️Brand tone:

Aim to portray a “Luxury” brand tone

This means you can have a high perceived value, and charge more for your products

Have congruency across your whole funnel to portray trust by having your
emails, social media & website all giving off this “boutique” vibe
🧖🏻‍♀️Store Design:

Soft & professional colours (white, creme, light blue)

Fancy “luxurious” fonts

Clean layout (nothing spammy, no popups)

High Quality images with white backgrounds

Not crammed together- make everything spaced out, lots of white space (adds to the luxury vibe)
🧖🏻‍♀️Website Copy:

Make your copy benefits driven

Why should they buy your pillow instead of any other pillow?

Use the Pain ➡️ Proof ➡️ Resolution Formula

You need to further emphasise this “luxury” presence you’re emitting:

Use words like “sumptuous” “deluxe” “Lavish” etc
🧖🏻‍♀️ Potential Copy Angles to Use:

Affordability– Compare Price Of The Pillow in the long term to Expensive Surgery Or Chiropractor Visits

Fear– Play on Possibilities of Surgery when they’re Older

Attractiveness – Sell Idea Of How Attractive they’ll look with their Great Posture
Insecurity – Play on their Insecurities about their Posture & how It affects them

Self-Esteem – Sell them on the confidence they’ll have when they don’t have bags under their eyes after a great night’s sleep
🧖🏻‍♀️Social proof:

Big testimonial, with a pic of somebody smiling, saying how they used the pillow and it solved {X} problem

User generated content to show IRL pics of people using the product

In depth reviews with pictures, emphasising the quality of product & customer service
🧖🏻‍♀️Offers you could use:

“Free shipping on all orders over $50” - incentives them to buy two to qualify for a better deal, increases our average order value

“Pay in monthly payments”

“Order Now for the cost of a night out, in order to save yourself from neck pains FOREVER!”
🧖🏻‍♀️Ad Creation:

Either design the ads yourself using “invideo”

Or pay somebody to make them for you (eg fiverr)

Use photos, but mainly videos

The first 5 seconds is key, this is where you “hook” them in

Make ads feel Native to the advertising Platform & not a sales pitch
🧖🏻‍♀️Potential Ad Copy you could use:

“Experienced Doctor Reveals the No.1 Solution to Neck Pain. The Secret Solution will SHOCK You!
{insert URL}”
🧖🏻‍♀️FB Ads Strategy:

Stage 1:

Aiming for Purchase Objective

ABO $/ÂŁ10 per adset

10 different adsets ALL using the same 3-7 creatives you’ve got to use (at least 1 photo ad & two video ads)

The ONLY difference between each of the 10 adsets is the interests each one is targeting
Pick 1 Broad interest for each adset, if it’s too narrow we won’t be able to scale

Pick interests relative to your marketing angle

Leave the age & gender demographics as default

Target ePacket countries, or just the main 5 countries (higher CPMs however)
Potential interests you could target:

⭐️Pregnant women


⭐️Neck pain



⭐️Sleep tips

⭐️Self care

⭐️Posture problems
🧖🏻‍♀️Stage 2:

After 24 hours, kill all adsets without a Link Click

After 48 hours, kill all adsets without an Add to Cart or Initiate Checkout

After 48 hours, kill all adsets without a Purchase

Duplicate all of your “winning” adsets, and place them into a new CBO
🧖🏻‍♀️Stage 3:

Slowly increase the budget of the new “winning” CBO every day as your pixel’s becoming more & more optimised

Constantly test new creatives & interests every day (using stage 1 strategy), the aim is to find new “winning” adsets which can be added to this “winning” CBO
By this point you will be starting to find out who your “winning” audience is:

⭐️The main gender who buy from you

⭐️The main age group who buy from you

⭐️The common interests of people who buy from you
This is when we narrow down our targeting

For example, instead of broad targeting males + females aged 13-65, we now only target women who are aged between 47-63 (if that’s the prime buying demographic)

Use this data for the “winning” CBO & when testing new interest adsets
This is also when we need to check which are the “winning” creatives

See which creatives have the highest Click-Through-Rate

Stop using the ones with the lowest CTR

Analyse where people click off & use this as reference when creating future creatives

Eg improve your CTA phase
🧖🏻‍♀️Stage 4:

Keep running these ads to build up data for your Lookalike Audiences

DON’T start LLAs until you have atleast 100 different events for each metric

Start with the basic LLAs (viewed content) and build them up over time to create the more advanced LLAs (Purchases)
Remember, it’s a testing game

You’re constantly testing to find out what works most profitably & most consistently

This is why you test all Lookalike percentages 0-1%,1-2% ... 9-10%

Although on paper 0-1% should work best, you’d be surprised

This is why we test them all
🧖🏻‍♀️Stage 5:

Start retargeting campaigns for all people who have VC over 50%, viewed your website, ATC, IC

These are cheap due to lower CPMs as Facebook doesn’t need to find new people to target

Give the customer and extra incentive to come back & buy:

Additional discount code
🧖🏻‍♀️Google Ads Strategy:

Use google search ads & google shopping

Target keywords relative to the product:
-orthopaedic pillow
-neck pain pillow
-posture correcting pillow

Don’t use keywords with too much competition (high CPM & hard to rank), but try to find untapped winners
Enjoy 🥂

A product like this is scalable to the moon 🚀

This is because it has such wide spread appeal


It’s unsaturated

So don’t worry about someone getting there before you, just be unique in your approach

There’s bread to be shared around 🙌🏽
You can follow @ecomxavier.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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