Current snapmap of where snapchats are coming from on Capitol Hill.
Looks like some folks may have been pushed out
If this map is representative of the crowds, they're moving south along the eastern outside of the capitol.
Lots of folks egressing from the west side, looks like.
Looks like East side may be moving, West Side moving south.

Note: I don't think this is a 1:1 indicator of where crowds are, but rather where the younger members of the group are.
Some odd patterns rn.
There''s a definite heartbeat to the map. Lulls and surges- west side seems to be trying to reorient north south.
folks moving back to the capitol, it looks like
Seems like west side may be growing.
Crowds seem to be growing in response to riot police lining up
zooming out a bit, the crowds seem to be falling back to outlying parks, but not necessarily dispersing.
Looks like the curfew may be doing it's job for now.
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