'Why comment?'

A short thread on post interaction and how it helps everyone 🌻

Twitter is made for interaction. The more comments a post gets, the more it's boosted in the algorithm and the more eyes see it

This is why artists really value commenters

Comments give us a chance to interact with people who enjoy our art- as well as lots of warm fuzzies

However, it's not always easy to find the motivation to comment on art posts

If the post asks a question or provokes an opinion, it's much easier. But when you're just scrolling the timeline it can be difficult to try and find something to say, or even a real reason to

Something that's good for everyone to remember is that commenting not only seems to boot a post in the algorithm, it also seems to result in you as a commenter showing up more on the TL of the person whose post you commented on, giving them the chance to reciprocate

From my own experience, after having little chats with people in one of my posts, I will almost certainly see a post from that person not long afterwards

What's more, I now want to interact with that post because they were kind enough to comment on my post!

TLDR: The more commenting we all do, the more comments we'll all get!

It doesn't have to be much - just a few emojis if you're feeling shy, or if you can't think of anything to say.

It doesn't have to take much more time than a like or a rt, and it honestly does help ❤

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