NSFW thread.
#DainLuc ( #DainKaeLuc / #DainLucKae but Kaeya's just watching. ;) )
Set in the same universe as my Khaenri'ah Prince Kaeya Dainluckae thread, post thread during their travels.
Heads up for smut so mute accordingly!
Kaeya has learned, after a few months of travels and warm nights and sometimes warm days, too, that Dainsleif and Diluc are two entirely different brands of lovers.

Dainsleif tends to him with sweet kisses and touches in the rise of the morning sun.
Diluc presses him into the bedsheets under the light of the moon.

These two do not always coincide well.
Dainsleif is how far he can bend himself to Kaeya's needs. Diluc is how much he can bend Kaeya to Diluc's demands.
They don't usually line up. Diluc doesn't always take him after the mornings when Dainsleif does, and Dainsleif usually gives him a break after Diluc's rough nights.

This morning, apparently his fiancé is feeling particularly affectionate, waking Kaeya with kisses to his back.
Except there's one problem.

He'd teased Diluc so mercilessly the day before that Diluc has railed him until he'd nearly passed out. Lovingly, of course.

That meant, on this particular morning, he was delightfully--but utterly-- sore.
Unfortunately, Kaeya can also tell by the way that Dainsleif strains, cock hard against his thigh in between those kisses, that it would be... particularly cruel to leave him like this.

But he isn't sure he won't absolutely die if he goes through with it.
Except, Kaeya is smart, and he's an innovator, and he turns and kisses Dainsleif sweetly on the mouth.

"Not today," he whispers, a grin sliding across his expression. "Diluc was merciless last night. But truly, I would appreciate a brave knight avenging me, love."
With a tell-tale gaze, his glance flicks over to Diluc, laying naked except for the blankets he was tangled in, only a few inches away.

Dainsleif looks... a little surprised, but Kaeya kisses him again, sweet and coyly and tempting.

"...Your wish is my command, my liege."
Kaeya regrets the loss of Dainsleif's warmth, but it inspires a new warmth all on its own in being able to roll, tenderly, on his side and watch as Dainsleif'a light wake-up kisses are focused on Diluc, instead.

Diluc hums, rolling his head into the pillow, a little stubborn.
Dainsleif's touch is a little more persistent, sliding slow on Diluc's hip, but not so inappropriate that he's actually feeling him up before Diluc can recognize what's happening.

"Diluc," Dainsleif whispers in his ear, and the redhead tenses, slightly.
Maybe mistaking those casual kisses for Kaeya's ... had Diluc a little hard before he's fully awake, but that voice isn't Kaeya's, and he turns his head from where he'd been facing down.

"What are you-"
Dainsleif tilts in, kissing him in a way that Diluc doesn't expect; Kaeya is usually sweet, sly enough to let Diluc lead whatever kiss they instigate, because Diluc is demanding in his own way.

Dainsleif, however, guides it. Controls it. Meticulous, powerful, graceful.
Considering Diluc neither fights him nor seems to pull away, Dainsleif allows his hand to wander down the pale expanse of the redhead's back, fingers dipping just between the soft valley of his ass.

When he breaks the kiss, Dainsleif nips tellingly at the curve of his ear.
"Our prince," he whispers, with the emphasis on /our/, "Has requested I punish you for your brutality, last night."

Diluc's mouth runs dry in unexpected anticipation.
As if checking for reassurance, Diluc looks up to Kaeya--who is still laying on his side, fist curled under one cheek as he watches.

Kaeya's little smirk confirms everything, but Diluc scoffs, as if to reach back.

"I'm going to-"
Dainsleif dips his finger inwards, brushing across Diluc's entrance--untouched, until now.

"No, Master Ragnvindr," Dainsleif murmurs against his temple. "You're going to behave, for me."
Diluc's breath shook from him in an uncertain way that suggested Dainsleif's finger had pressed in, slow, deliberately slow, but Kaeya muffles his own laugh and politely sets their lube from the bedside table next to them.

Diluc tries to glare at the traitor, but fails.
"You brought this on yourself, don't blame him," Dainsleif answers instead, with far too much satisfaction in his voice. He slid his free hand down Diluc's back, reminding him he's pinned in place. Reminding him that this is a 'punishment.'

"Focus on me."
Diluc, prideful in ways he doesn't like to admit, takes a deep breath and parts his lips to mouth off-- and Dainsleif leans flush over him, taking his free hand and slipping two fingers against Diluc's tongue, silencing him, all while placing another too-sweet kiss at his neck.
"Slick my fingers and I /might/ touch you with them," Dainsleif murmurs, positioning himself carefully with a knee pressing in on either side of Diluc's thighs, the red head exposed from how far Dainsleif's hands have wandered.

Diluc nips at his fingers instead, stubborn.
Dainsleif pulls his fingers out of him, and slaps his ass loud enough to make the sound echo out through the room. Sweet, noble Dainsleif.

Kaeya gets the feeling he's wanted to do this for a while.
Diluc manages to get out a muffled noise into the pillow, but he shifts backwards, as if rising into the motion. Kaeya can see he's hard, pinned between his own stomach and the sheets in the brief moment his hips lift.
Dainsleif uses this brief movement to reach out to grasp the bottle of lube, uncapping it with one hand before he pours a generous amount down the middle of his ass. It's the last of their lube, so the bottle is deposited, unceremoniously and empty, off of the side of the bed.
Kaeya wonders if this will at least give Diluc a good idea of why a generous preparation was... appreciated.

Dainsleif was thorough. He always was. One finger first, working Diluc's tightness open, considering Diluc had never been in this position before. Too sweet. Too kind.
One by one, his fingers join their exploration of Diluc's (now previously untouched) ass.

He kneads the lube deep, spreading it in a thick concentration, and the second finger slides in to join the first. Diluc curls his fists into the pillow, trying to keep quiet. Prideful.
"It's okay, Diluc," Kaeya hums aloud, the smug little bastard that he is. "It feels good, doesn't it? Let him know when he does it right. He likes that."

Dainsleif manages to hide most of his flush in the spot behind Diluc's shoulder blades, sinking his teeth there.
That, coupled with the third finger the blonde spreads him with, Diluc moans into his pillow and around Dainsleif's fingers, grinding his hips forward into their sheets just for the friction.
Maybe Diluc expected some more teasing than this. Maybe he expected the same heat of their little competitions for Kaeya's attention.

Dainsleif delights in proving him wrong.
Instead, he makes sure that Diluc is stretched and ready and to the point he almost drips with the sweet warmth of well heated lube, and only then does he wrap his arms and pull him back and up, settling his back against the wall against the bed. He tugs Diluc into his lap.
Unable to hide, hot and flushed and needy, and on display for Kaeya's pleasure.
Kaeya's breath hitches, eyes focused on the way Dainsleif lifts Diluc's thighs in all of their strength, barely holding him up over the tip of his cock.

"Ride me." It's the only, quiet command that Dainsleif needs to give. He's got Diluc full of want, right where he belongs.
For the few times Diluc has demanded the same out of Kaeya, it's a humbling notion.
His breath slips from him in sharp exhales and shivering gasps, but he reaches down to Dainsleif's own thighs for support, and lowers himself slowly on Dainsleif's cock.

It's the perfect angle for Kaeya to see Diluc taking every single inch.
Dainsleif makes good on his promise, too. Those saliva-slicked fingers roam down the redhead's ribcage, down his side, his hip, his thigh, before they reach forward and wrap around Diluc's cock, tilting it back up towards his belly button to stroke it slowly, off rhythm at first.
He tilts a sweet kiss to the curve of Diluc's jaw, his free hand resting on Diluc's hip to guide him, and to force him to sit still while Dainsleif remains fully in him.

Diluc likes to be impatient.

Dainsleif likes to savor.
Even when Diluc is squirming, almost ready to move himself as he'd bene told to do, Dainsleif's grip holds him in place, keeping himself buried fully in his fellow Prince Consort.

"Patience," he whispers, while Diluc groans in frustration. "You'll hurt yourself. Adjust."
Diluc's eagerness is not helped when he hopes his eyes, his gaze hazy, to see Kaeya touching himself with no shortage of leisure to the show.
Kaeya meets his gaze, and that smirk is practically glowing.

"Don't tease him too much, Dainsleif. Why don't you give him what you know he wants?"
Dainsleif's grip tightens just a little on Diluc's hip. The kiss to his jaw turns into trailing his teeth to the nape of his neck, to his shoulder, to nibble.

"Yes, my liege."

With his grip fast on his hip, without warning, he thrusts upwards with no shortage of force.
Diluc can't bite back that noise, something close to a shocked little cry, because Dainsleif pairs it with a determined little squeeze to the head of his cock.

He swears he can feel it when Dainsleif throbs in him. Every pulse. Every twitch.
Fortunately for his eagerness, Kaeya has given his command, and Dainsleif always follows.

Just as soon as the first thrust grinds deep, Dainsleif's hand on his hip encourages him up, just so he can pull him down just as hard. Diluc, of course, is no passive rider.
The minute he gets a good shift in, he braces his own knees and thighs, and starts to roll his hips.

For Kaeya, who has only seen Diluc's reserved, heated face above him or buried in his chest or thighs, watching him get properly fucked is nothing but a treat.
Once Diluc has a proper pace set up for himself, even leaning forward just a bit to grasp Dainsleif's knees rather than his thighs, a better pushing point to lift his weight and drop it down to spread himself on Dainsleif's cock, Dainsleif moves his hand from his hip.
Instead, he carefully, almost gently even, lifts it to wrap around the loose red hair spilling around his shoulders-- to pull Diluc's head back by the hair, exposing his throat.

Kaeya bites two of his own knuckles to stay silent at the sight, his hand working faster.
Using his grasp, he guides Diluc back again so Dainsleif can leave a mark at the side of his throat, then another just under his ear. Impossible to hide. Reminders.

Dazed, red in the face, but almost overwhelmed by this new feeling and Dainsleif's hand, Diluc is... loud.
Louder than Kaeya has heard him before, and decided very, very sexy. It's everything their prince can do to keep himself from getting involved, wanting to put that mouth to work, but this is a treat. For all of them.

Diluc doesn't relax often, so Dainsleif will make him.
Leaning back only when that pale skin bears a half-dozen little marks of red along his neck and shoulders, Dainsleif keeps his grip on his hair, wrapping it around his knuckles to guide him while his free hand started to match the rate Diluc rode.

It's encouragement.
Diluc catches on quickly, as embarrassing as it is to have to keep his own pace. The more his hips move, the faster Dainsleif will stroke him.

It's a complicated assault on his pride to not want to ride too quickly, to not make it too obvious how good Dainsleif feels in him.
But he is so, so bad at being patient when he wants something. All of them know this, by now, even if Diluc will refuse to admit it.

Less than a minute in, he's practically bouncing.
Dainsleif is better at slow perseverance, but Diluc's haste, and just how tight he is around him for his his first time doing this, is..

Trying. Kaeya can see it in the way Dainsleif's eye closes, and a neat wrinkle forms between his brows.
This was never going to be /easy/, but Dainsleif had committed a practically cardinal sin.

He'd underestimated Diluc's sheer will.
Diluc's nails are going to leave marks on his knees, but his precum is making Dainsleif's finger move faster against his cock. It's still early and the morning and the dredges of sleep has them both sensitive, and underprepared.

Messy, and beautiful.
Dainsleif had intended for Diluc to ride him to completion, but he wants, and wants endlessly.

They've played the favorites game long enough, and Kaeya is... infinitely satisfied they've found this pleasure in one another. Dainsleif for once, can indulge himself in impatience.
His fingers leave Diluc's cock, making the redhead groan in impatience and demand, but Dainsleif has other ideas. Using the grip on his hair to push instead, Dainsleif removes him from his lap, pushing Diluc's shoulders forward into the mattress, just inches away from Kaeya.
Curling over him, Dainsleif thrusts harder than Diluc can ride, spreading him open with a grip on his ass so he can push deeper. It his Diluc just right on every single thrust now, and Kaeya finally allows himself a single touch.
He brushes Diluc's hair out of his face where it's pressed sideways into the sheets, just so he can watch Diluc's face when Dainsleif makes him cum untouched from just the slam of his hips against his ass.
Dainsleif keeps his arm wrapped around Diluc's stomach instead, holding him close as his body rolls slower into it, using that tightness to milk himself of every drop of cum, not bothering to pull out.

Another page he'd pulled from Diluc's book for this, apparently.
It's a strange feeling that has Diluc squirming afterwards, feeling it run over his thighs as Dainsleif smirks slowly into the curve of his ear from behind.

"Your punishment will be finished, but only once you treat our Prince to your mouth."

Diluc looks up to Kaeya.
The show has been exquisite, but he hadn't yet finished, himself.

Diluc scoffs quietly at this new demand--but his tongue was already pressed to his lower lip, wetting it for what was to come.
//// end!
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