I don’t know about you, but this looks like a damn set up to me.

Did the crowd even march there yet?

I wouldn’t put it past the establishment to have set this up to smear Trump and supporters. https://twitter.com/DrewHLive/status/1346891675784900618
Yep. https://twitter.com/DC_Draino/status/1346954650797355009
It's all coordinated, but we already knew that. https://twitter.com/Rover829/status/1347001032140840964
Oh, how nice.....Police were even taking selfies with the "rioters"

There you have it. Police literally just let them into the building. https://twitter.com/christina_bobb/status/1347596278583197698
A BLM member was in the Capitol near Ashli Babbitt and also recorded the events unfolding. https://twitter.com/redstate/status/1347974503163453446
The son of the Brooklyn Judge was also at the Capitol is a registered Democrat. So is the Judge. https://twitter.com/NYTMetro/status/1349114952469139458
More Military links: https://twitter.com/MaxBlumenthal/status/1349577213881032705?s=20
John Sullivan was also at the storming of the state capitol building in Salem, Oregon.

And, of course his video of it is still up on YouTube. https://twitter.com/kylenabecker/status/1349880838645837827
I've had "hmmm" thoughts not too long ago about something related to Military after hearing particular words from someone and reading an interesting thread, but I think I'll continue to keep that quiet for now. It's making my stomach turn, though.....
Yep, it must be his Discord and here's more info about that!

👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://twitter.com/jessiprincey/status/1349914721252761600
So, not only is John Sullivan the adopted son of a Military General, he's also an Olympic speed skater. https://twitter.com/kylenabecker/status/1349907306612469762?s=20
And, in things you can't make up for $10,000, Sullivan also in an UBER Commercial. https://twitter.com/RuffledSnob/status/1349917757295489032?s=20
Yet another (ex) Military official. https://twitter.com/cbsnews/status/1349919225582919681
Not only was Sullivan cohort Jade Sacker with CNN, she was previously with NBC and PBS!

What did we see and hear recently from someone at PBS.... https://twitter.com/kr3at/status/1349915794180874246
Here’s what Principle Attorney for PBS had to say about Trump and his supporters. https://twitter.com/missmaga2016/status/1349052297075171334
More outlets that she worked for! https://twitter.com/jkhomestead/status/1349943000416317440
Andddd another ex Military member was arrested.

David Alan Baker of Tallahassee, a former US Army Airborne infrantryman who was kicked out of service.

He was arrested for issuing a call to arms at the Florida Capitol.

He also went AWOL then joined the YPG in Syria. https://twitter.com/ndflnews/status/1350150817001705480
Ohhh, lookie here 👇 suuure sounds Like Antifa.

He was recruiting & training anti-Government/anti-Authority extremism and made violent threats to those he claimed were white supremacists, fascists, and with different ideologies.

Again, he used Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to spread his extremism.

Apps which have NOT been banned, which are banning other apps.
LOLOL It figures.....Baker was shown in a VICE Documentary fighting ISIS or Turkish militants, though not sure if VICE just simply showed this guy's Youtube video or if they spoke to him.
OMGGGG Baker was part of the CHOP/CHAZ protests and riots! And taught other Antifa how to debilitate law enforcement by throwing paint filled balloons at them.

#CapitolRiots #Antifa
Baker also joined the "Kurdistan Worker's Party" otherwise known as the "PKK."

What's the first thing you think of when you hear "Worker's Party?"

So, Communists literally did try to overthrow the US Government.

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