Very strange day in DC. Trying to focus on work but it’s quite a bit challenging. Pay close attention to how the MPD and the rest of the LE present are going to deal with literal nazis attacking our city rejecting the peaceful transition of power. And compare it to BLM protests.
I see no helicopters or surveillance aircrafts going around. Remember how they used Black Hawks to intimidate peaceful BLM protesters? The nonstop tear gas and rubber bullets? No more “when the looting starts the shooting starts” all of a sudden.

Who’s the violent body?
Can you imagine what could have happened if BLM protesters have gotten anywhere near where these thugs have?
I call BS on law enforcement being “overwhelmed” by the thugs. What happened to the military industrial complex? Taking the day off? #DC
“Armed standoff at door of House floor” — can you imagine what would have happened if BLM protesters (who btw have a million times over legitimate demand) gotten anywhere this? #DC
Imagine if a non-white person looted the House floor... he’d be shot on the spot
Compare this coup attempt to what happened to BLM protesters not long ago for the crime of asking not to be murdered by the police #DC
Iranian monarchs have always been awfully close to the alt-right agenda and have been supported by the Trump crowd especially Pomepo. But it still feels strange to see their flag being raised at this coup attempt.
This is a good reminder that not all the Iranian opposition groups are really looking for a free Iran. Most of them are just pissed about not being the dictator in power.
Of course they did #DC
“Some of those who work forces are the same who burn crosses” proves to be right every goddamn time.
Where’s the lie #DC
This is incredibly alarming!
But you know, apparently graffitis are more dangerous than actual bombs
*ALL* of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses
We have a saying in Farsi that “knife never cuts its handle”
DC police only arrested 13 people today. For comparison, this is the number from the George Floyd protests:
Watch this till the end for a good laugh 😂
DC police cars just announced there’s curfew in place in my neighborhood but did nothing to enforce it and drove away right after. There are still people out there.
When the police goes literally hand in hand with the domestic terrorists
If they can rush to confirm a SCOTUS appointee 5 days prior to election, they sure as hell can impeach and remove him in the next two weeks.
Writing on the door of the Capitol building reads “murder the media”. Full video below👇🏽
Are they staying at @Marriott? Why aren’t they being kicked out? Why is Marriott hosting domestic terrorists?
This entire thread is mind blowing but this photo caught my attention
And this one
And of course it’s the journalists who get arrested... 🤦‍♂️
They fenced up the entire Lafayette park and gassed everyone to keep out the BLM protesters who were armed with plastic water bottles but somehow fell short against domestic terrorists...
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