Manu on CNN:

Tense situation at Capitol. Capitol is in lockdown, cannot leave the building. Ordered to stay in offices - includes media. Some have breached security perimeter. Other bldgs have been evacuated.
It's on West and East front of Capitol (East is where Congress members enter/exit).

US Capitol police are in charge but Manu doesn't know if DC National Guard is also helping.

Looking at the pics? It looks like more peeps than Trump's inauguration
Rep McCarthy has issued statement to protesters to be peaceful.

Wolf: How unusual is this?
Manu: This is pretty unusual - I don't remember being on lockdown more than 1 or 2 times covering CH for 20 years.
Guys, these videos on CNN are pretty freaky - it's the largest crowd of the Trumpers I've seen.

Journos - Please stay safe. But please document the likely destruction everywhere too. These are the terrorists.
I was about to say no tear gas and then - CNN just announced tear gas is being deployed.

In last few minutes broken through police line and climbing steps of Capitol, at least 1/2 dozen climbing walls of Capitol.

Police now fired tear gas.
Alex on CNN: "Seeing protesters on the grounds of the Capitol with very little pushback."
Alex: "Scores of protesters on the terrace of the Capitol. The people here seem to think they have the upper hand."

Phil on CNN: Barricades completely busted through, thousands of people have gone through, Cap po have backed off into the interior.
Phil: It's an overwhelming number of ppl for the Cap Pol. I've never seen anything like this, climbing on Cap Bldg, not inside but literally at the door.
Wolf: I haven't seen anything like this
J King: It's a scary scene. Trump encouraged these protesters. They are on Fed prop
King: Cap Po, there are simply not enough of them. Clearly they did not anticipate the scale so they've pulled back. VP, Spkr, Future VP, House, Senate all inside there. They do not have the right to trespass on Fed Property like this.
Manu: Told protesters are INSIDE the Capitol Building. Don't know how many. Just off the Senate Floor. Alert that went out to all Congressional staff to move inside office. Take Emergency Equipment with you. Hide, silence electronics.
Manu: This is something I have never seen

Editors note: seeing a group of outside police coming up steps of Capitol
Guys, if you're not watching CNN (presumably MSNBC too) you should turn on the TV, unless it will scare you too much.

It's unbelievable.
It looks like the East side where the police have formed a line on the stairs.
The Capitol Building has been closed off to the Public since Covid. The fact of so many protesters suggest that they breached the security magnotometers (sp?) and got into building. They are IN THE SENATE.
Both chambers have been instructed to stay where they are.

Creating a very tense and scary situation because they don't know who's in the building.

OMG. There are protesters in Statutory Hall
*Statuary Hall


Jake: Trump could stop this in one tweet. Protesters accosting Senators, right outside Senate Chamber, very potentially dangerous situation, never seen anything like this in decades in DC. Trump could stop it but he likes it.
There is literally no one else in the hall but the protesters. (Smart for peeps to stay away but FOOK this is so dangerous).

Pamela: Situation has turned insane, out of control, other law enforcement been asked to help by Cap Police. MPD's civil disturbance called. Susp packages
Jake: Definition of Sedition is overturn rule of law by force and this is what we are seeing. Trump did this. Physically trying to force the stop of Biden being sworn in on 1/20. If you're JH, TC - what am I doing, what am I creating, what have I unleashed?
DC Mayor orders 6pm curfew. Mayor is the only sane authority imo.
Trump has said nothing to disavow this. These are his supporters, they're carrying Trump flags.

Jake: We are watching an attempt at a bloodless coup.

btw, bunch of police cars with sirens coming to CH
Alex: Reinforcements are coming but they're not here yet.

Clearly police on balcony are not moving (in riot gear - so getting ready)

It's gotten out of hand. Cheering.

Flashbangs on West Side of Bldg.

Jake: MOC are texting (all sides) They are stunned bc Trump supporters are forcing themselves inside the Capitol.
Manu: Ordered to stay in offices, protesters are storming House and Senate, lawmakers are stunned themselves. In H Chamber, officers told lawmakers may need to duck.
Manu: Protesters in rotunda. So many just feet away from where house members are within Chamber. Told to go into cloakrooms if necessary.
Senate - many around floor. Senators sitting inside chamber. Reporters not allowed.
Editor: I'm so concerned about covid w/in capitol
Jake: Absolutely shameful, but totally predictable.
Pamela: Discussions about evacuating VP if not already. (I just realized Kamala has Secret Service too . . . )
Trump and WH still not commented.
Jake: T tweeted something -
Acosta: Flaccid, broke silence Trump "Stay peaceful"😱
Acosta: Marines stationed outside Oval Office, so trump there. Take it to bank that trump is watching TV, watching world burn. He should be going into briefing room and telling protesters to stop what he's doing.
Jake: Trump spilling fuel like Exxon Valdez
Acosta: This is a bonfire of the insanities. Trump misled protesters by saying he was going to CH with them. What is the plan to get these people out of there? (Compares it to what did in front of WH bible photo op) This is just bedlam.
Jake: Natural development of all of this
Jake: So many cowardly congressman in that building trying to appease Trump
Manu: Very very tense outside house floor. Armed stand off at House front door. Police have guns drawn. House lawmakers in House chamber have been told to evacuate. VP has been evacuated. ALL OVER BLDG
Dana: Rep Conneley Dem VA - Members given gas masks ON THE HOUSE FLOOR because tear gas used in the roturnda because of these anarchists
Jake: Chief Po, how control?
Chief Ramsey: Need reinforcements, start clearing outside, got to force out, they're overwhelmed rn
Dana: Rep Conneley Dem VA - Members given gas masks ON THE HOUSE FLOOR because tear gas used in the roturnda because of these anarchists
Jake: Chief Po, how control?
Chief Ramsey: Need reinforcements, start clearing outside, got to force out, they're overwhelmed rn
Jake: Ever seen anything like this?
Chief: No, not in US. Only in 3rd world country. Control can be regained but it's not going to be pretty. It never should have gotten this far.
What T do?
Chief: I'd tell him to shut the hell up. He stirred them up. This is as close to coup
Chief: Got to gain control quickly. It's not even nightfall. It's going to get worse. Every department in their region has activated their emergency plans. This is the US Capitol. Offended.
Jake: As CoP of DC, your worst nightmare?
Chief: Exactly right. Never anything this far
Jake: How do you clear it out?
Chief: There going to have to get enough resources - possibly gas - do what you have to do. You just can't have this. This is unprecedented.
Manu: Police do not have under control. Members inside chamber, others evacuated, members in house tear gas
Manu: Members told there are masks under their seats. Protesters in all areas, House and Senate, violent interactions between protesters and police. Tear gas ready to be deployed if necessary.
Jake: Recapping info at top of hour. Members of Congress appalled and scared.
Brian Todd: Protesters standing on top of gov't cars. Some protesters have made way down the staris, but don't seem pushed by law enforcement. CH police standing on balcony awaiting orders. Ppl emboldened. No urgency to move. When will LE show up in force?
Jake: For months, Trump and GOP supporters have been lying, courts said no evidence, certified, Biden won, Trump lost, and yet this is what Trump has unleashed. You cannot put Genie back in bottle when you've unleashed it, especially fueled by lies.
Kaitlin: T is sitting in oval, sent one tweet, not called on supporters with his flags/sweatshirts to back off and get out of building. Even recently departed Comm Director has said "Condemn this NOW." VP location uncertain. WH is on elevated security.
Statement of Mayor: During hours of curfew, no one walk, run, stand, motor by car in any public place within District

King: Something was missed. Mayor did what she did by asking for Nat Guard. But this is Fed, Capitol Police were clearly not prepared like the District was
Photo in House Floor where armed standoff inside House - guns drawn by security, house members ducking. Armed protester just feet from house floor caused this armed standoff. Link to photo here:
Pamela: MPD officer who called in in distress asking for additional resources inside House. Anarchists are overrunning us. CH Po: "We are stretched very thin, we don't have enough people."
Pamela: Where is Nat'l Guard? Pelosi had asked for them to help. LE is overwhelmed by protesters.
Wolf: DC itself was bracing for this, boarded up, Mayor concern, who would have thought breach of capitol?
Pamela: We are seeing coup attempt inside.
[I have never been so afraid for our country.]

OMG a protesters in on Senate Floor in well of US Senate, sitting where Kamala should sit.
Narrator's Note: This is ALL about racism. Never, ever forget that. These white fuckers are staging a coup over the electoral choice of Black voters and allies.
I hope this guy is imprisoned for 100 years.
Congressman Gallagher (GOP Trump supporter) - Trump needs to call if off. The objectors needs to stop meddling with vital forces of our Democracy. Call it off.
Jake: What want him to do?
Gallagher: Go to Twitter "It's over, please go home, I support peaceful transition of power"
Jake: You went to Iraq? What think?
Gallagher: It's easy to get lost in maze of constitutional abstract argument when common sense tells you no way out. How bad it is to give false hope. You need Govt before you get law & order. Break norm? Harder to repair. Costs to this rn
Congress Kinsinger: These ppl calling this equiv of 1776. You give them false hope, leaders w/o courage to tell ppl truth that Congress can't decide who's President, this is absolutely, utterly despicable, every GOP leader call it out.
Jake: Not seen since Iraq?
CK: Coup attempt
Jake: T tweet enough?
CK: No, it's cowardice. He needs to say I lost, let count go ahead, conspiracies are false, Pentago needs whatever authority go get guard out.
Himes, CT: Evac from chamber, lots of weapons, gas masks, to undisclosed locations, lots of anxiety here
Video of anarchists (Dana's word) broke glass in capitol and are now climbing through the window.

Video of police and anarchists fighting.
Himes: I'm surprised that security is like this.

Video - anarchists on scaffolding up on outside of capitol bldg.

Pamela: Woman in critical condition after being shot in chest on Capitol grounds. Don't know circs.
Pamela: Maryland, Virginia police called in to help.
Jake: This is violence inspired by Trump, Cruz, Hawley, 100 members of the house. A disgraceful moment in American history.
Manu: Possible good news on Senate side. Cleared of rioters, protesters. Not on Senate floor. In Rotund
Manu: Uncertain what's happening on House side. Armed stand off on House floor - don't know what latest is bc pool reporters had to evacuate. Police trying to get protesters out one by one. Glass window breaking was on House side of bldg.
Jake: Embarassing, frightful spectacle
Alex: Now calvary has arrived. MD police, in riot gear, putting on gas masks. Rioters - not many have moved. Still see them outside bldg after storming barricades. Mobbed the press, calling us traitors, stunning to happen in own country from fellow citizens.
Jake: This is T's legacy, divided citizenry, millions fed lies, expressing with violence, not told to stop, given credence by Cruz, Hawley, McCarthy to these conspiracy theories. Makes perfect sense T's presidency would end this way.
Abby: T refused to say he would support peaceful transfer of power. Remember when city was in lockdown over BLM protests - LE everywhere? And now where's LE in comparison? You don't hear T say "We are sending reinforcements" Shameful
Dana: Almost four years to day that Trump stood in spot and talked about American Carnage [Projection, clearly, imo]
Jake: Jonah Goldberg (GOP) tweeted something about the 25th Amendment - kinda a big deal.
Acosta: Kayleigh just tweeted that T has ordered Nat'l Guard to Capitol
Acosta: This is not sufficient. We have a Press Center - tweets aren't enough. Young press aides seem dumbstruck, shell-shocked don't understand what's unfolding, never seen WH staff immobilized and incapable. T is spectator of what he's unleashed.
Anderson: This is the work of Donald J Trump and his family that has enabled him. T would like to call himself Law & Order. Imagine if Black or Muslim? How reaction would be different.
Santorum: I understand this anger [I hope they pull this fucker from CNN]
Anderson: There have been generations of people who have been aggrieved, but the idea of these ppl feel aggrieved - there's just wannabe weekend warriors.
Van: This is treason. This is rebellion. Period. Portland - tear gassed, kidnapped, beaten. This is lawlessness.
Van: Where is Donald Trump? Show the wisdom and strength of Mayor Bottoms (who didn't incite riot) who called on BLM to stop damaging protests.
Axelrod: [Pretty pissed]
Axelrod: I'm a son of an immigrant who fled a country that looked like this. I am in tears. This is not an American scene.
Gloria: [near tears too] I spent 10 years walking those halls. That's our House and these are Domestic Terrorists. Marched there to do damage
Gloria - [just referenced this tweet that Ivanka has now deleted.] Trump gave them permission to do what they're doing.
Anderson: This is all part of his grift, the Grift of the Trump Family, raising money off of these lies
Damn, we need to clear out every low level drug felon to make room for these FUCKERS in prison.
Pamela: Multiple police officers have been injured. One officer transported to the hospital. Only transporting "higher priority" cases. EMS is on scene triaging. LE is overwhelmed.
Manu: Don't know if joint session will reconvene. Cricital step to make sure Biden inaugurated. Need to get this under control. Still protesters in bldg in all areas.
FOOK. They are now in office of House Speaker Pelosi.
Manu: Pelosi's office is a heavily fortified office, you can't just walk in and here you see pro-Trump rioter who broke in to her office.

Wrote a note on folder: We will be back
Pence wrote a tweet and has unfollowed Trump.

Kaitlin: Trump more conerned about Pence's failure to change vote than mob on Capitol
Wolf: Entire DC Nat'l Guard - thousands of troops - deployed in DC
Phil: Did not expect outlying barricades would be breached and that they'd walk up steps and break windows. Leadership in safe place. All lawmakers are safe as well.
Process - how to get them out of capitol bldg?
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