1/ Over Xmas I tweeted about how our wraparound childcare setting is losing money hand over fist due to the C19 situation. Income through fees not covering the costs of the provision. It looked like we'd have to close the setting and make the amazing staff team redundant.
This is so devastating. It had been an incredibly successful setting for years with a great team providing superb childcare before and after school.
Many other heads tweeted that their wraparound childcare settings are facing the same.
We'd been told we couldn't furlough staff as they are employed by the school (even though their pay has to be covered through the business by parental fees - not from school budget). We struggled on, trying to meet the govt directive to provide wraparound during the pandemic.
But Lockdown 3 has been the nail in the coffin for the setting. We offered wraparound to the 35% of critical worker families attending - but hardly any need it. There's no way we can continue to cover the costs.
Someone on here (sorry - I can't remember who) tweeted on my original Xmas time tweet to advise me that we could use 'flexible furlough' for the staff as they are on separate playwork contracts (TAs during day).
I can't thank them enough...
We followed this up with our personnel providers and after being told originally that we couldn't use flexible furlough we persisted and took it further.
Turns out we can.
So we are able to close the setting temporarily and furlough the staff with a view to reopening in the future when life is a bit more normal... rather than closing completely and 5 fantastic members of staff losing their jobs.
Sharing here as I know that others are facing the same situation... this could be a solution?

So thanks again to that person... if you are reading this - please comment - you are wonderful!
I know that there will be parents out there who will absolutely rely on wraparound care provided by schools. This situation is appalling for them. If only the govt would subsidise the costs during the pandemic rather than having to furlough which means staff can't work.
Subsidising could help wraparound stay open and provide vital services for families.
Furlough doesn't... but still costs the govt and means the staff can't work.

Come on @GOVUK - please read my thread and consider.

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