Republicans cannot keep up the story that the election was stolen, whipping up their followers into more anger and not expect that get out of control.
I've said the same about Democrats whipping up their constituency into a rage with every story of white supremacy or cops who hunt black people.
If you've been out there, fomenting this sense of grievous victimization in people I don't expect to hear your sorrowful condemnation of the violence you helped whip up.
Anger has always been a commodity for politicians and both sides work hard to arouse it. Violence is sadly becoming more common as politicians rely on grievance and victimization to turn out support.
Trump alone couldn't have done this. If not for others like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley lending their credibility to the conspiracy theory when they should have pushed back against it. Fuck them both, this is on you.
They believe it because people they trust told them to believe it.
Here we go. I condemn the violence I inspired.
I don't ever want to hear "Trump 2024." If the GOP doesn't ostracize Trump from the party then it's worthless.
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