Efsun’s father was killed and his body found cut in pieces. She watched her mother die. Her brothers killed each other. She had to kill her only family left with her own hands. DON’T TELL ME she has to pay Idris cause yes he’s the only ONE SHE PAID TO KILL. SHE ALREADY DID PAY.
so she came to revenge her father being torn into pieces, she had every right to do it. She financed a plan to kill Idris for revenge. It has been highlighted every single time that she didn’t pay for Sena, Selim, Aksin, Seyhan, DamCum baby, Yavuz from Ramo. ONLY IDRIS.
not saying she’s an angel ama she’s as innocent as 99% of the characters you stan. cut the crap and the hypocrisy about justice and accept that your asses are fuming because yamaç really loves her and you can’t deny it. if he didn’t she would be a victim who sacrificed for him.
it makes you look ridiculous when you ask for fairness and justice for efsun but you stan whole ass murderers 24/7. it makes you look ridiculous when you find it unacceptable how can someone fall in love with their father’s murderer but then stan couples with the SAME PLOT. BYE.
The hypocrisy, the jealousy, the biasism, the bitterness is so obvious at this point that everyone with the smallest amount of objectivity can understand. Being treated like a monster when she did LESS then your faves.
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