#BREAKING US Capitol Police are evacuating two Capitol campus buildings due to a bomb threat.
#BREAKING Tear gas has been deployed outside the US capitol building as Trump supporters attempt to gain access to the Capitol building.
#BREAKING Flash bangs have been deployed into crowds as Trump supporters attempt to gain access to the U.S. Capitol building.
#BREAKING The US Capitol has been placed on lockdown after Trump supporters breached a security perimeter.

Armoured vehicles have also been deployed to the area.
#BREAKING Multiple Trump supporters have began climbing scaffolding at the US Capitol building.
#BREAKING Pro Trump protesters have breached the terrace and steps of the US capitol building.
#BREAKING Trump supporters have have now breached the US Capitol building and are outside the senate chambers. http://NTS24.co.uk/BRK 
#BREAKING Vice President Mike Pence has been evacuated from the US Capitol after pro Trump protesters entered the building.
#BREAKING President Trump has attacked Vice President Pence on Twitter, moments after Pence was evacuated from the US Capitol.
http://nts24.co.uk/BRK  https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1346900434540240897?s=10
#BREAKING Trump supporters have stormed the US Capitol building.

• Multiple law enforcement agencies are being called.

•Several suspicious packages have been discovered in the building.

• D.C. Mayor has ordered a 6PM curfew.
#BREAKING Trump supporters are attacking journalists in the US Capitol building with fire extinguishers.
#BREAKING US lawmakers have been told by police to wear gas masks and duck under chairs after Trump supporters breached the US Capitol building.
#BREAKING President Trump has told his supporters to support Capitol Police.

Hours earlier he had encouraged crowds to March on the building. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1346904110969315332?s=10
#BREAKING Police have drawn their guns in the House chamber after Trump supporters breached the US Capitol.
#BREAKING Trump supporters have breached the senate floor.
#BREAKING One person has been shot in the US Capitol building. MORE: http://nts24.co.uk/BRK 
#BREAKING: A severely injured woman has been rushed out of Capitol building on a stretcher.
#BREAKING U.S Capitol Police shot a woman who attempted to breach the doors inside the U.S. Capitol.
#BREAKING The Virginia National Guard is being to the US Capitol building.
#BREAKING The National Guard will be deployed to the US Capitol after supporters stormed the building.
#BREAKING: Vice President Pence has says 'violence and destruction' at the Capitol must stop immediately as Trump remains silent.
#BREAKING A viable pipe bomb was found at the RNC headquarters in Washington DC today. (NYT)
#BREAKING: Multiple police officers have been injured at the U.S. Capitol after Trump supporters stormed the building. (CNN)
#BREAKING Pelosi, Schumer in joint statement call on Trump to 'demand' all protesters leave Capitol grounds 'immediately.' (AP)
#BREAKING An improvised explosive device has been found on the US Capitol grounds. (NBC)
VIDEO: Police officers appear to comply with requests for selfies with protesters in the US Capitol building.
President Elect Biden:

"I call on President Trump to go on national television now to fulfill his oath and defend and Constitution and demand an end to this siege."
PHOTO: A noose has been erected on the west side of the US Capitol. (Getty Images)
#BREAKING President Trump has released a video telling his supporters to "go home in peace".

He falsely claims the election was “stolen” and "fraudulent."
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