#Breaking: 2 buildings on Capitol Hill were reportedly evacuated as Pro-Trump supporters clashed with police on the steps of the Capitol Building. (h/t @UrgentAlertNews)
Another video from DC shows more scuffles between pro-Trump supporters and police:
More video of scuffles/fights between pro-Trump supporters and police in DC:
A police officer was injured in earlier clashes with pro-Trump protesters: https://twitter.com/intelcrab/status/1346894635159924738
Pro-Trump protesters have breached barriers and have scaled the steps of the Capitol: https://twitter.com/tom_winter/status/1346896288596443136
#BREAKING! Pro-Trump protesters have broken into the Capitol:
On a livestream more police have arrived and are currently walking towards the entrance. The picture below is of some people inside: https://twitter.com/intelcrab/status/1346899381623136259
Another video showing pro-Trump supporters rushing in after they breach the Capitol building:
Video shows the moments people at the Capitol were warned pro-Trump supporters had breached inside:
Video from inside the Capitol building as pro-Trump supporters fight with police:
A tweet put out by Trump: https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1346900434540240897
Pro-Trump supporters in the Capitol discharged a fire extinguisher outside Senate chamber at someone filming:
Video of an initial breach of the Capitol building:
#Breaking: A picture shows multiple people with guns drawn (likely police or secret service) pointed at a door within the Capitol. It is unclear what’s occurring in the picture: https://twitter.com/MEPFuller/status/1346905489561579532
Another angle of the scene. Reports that shots were fired inside the Capitol but what exactly happened remains unclear: https://twitter.com/cbszak/status/1346905890927095813
#BREAKING: Reports that a woman was shot in the chest inside the Capitol! This would confirm the earlier report of shooting inside the building: https://twitter.com/alanhenney/status/1346908360122249228
The house speakers office and DC mayor had requested more National Guard units deploy to the US Capitol. The Pentagon has just denied that request: https://twitter.com/spectatorindex/status/1346908590146088960
Multiple officers have been injured: https://twitter.com/taylorpopielarz/status/1346903945264967682
Another picture from inside the Capitol when the armed standoff occurred: https://twitter.com/keatonfox/status/1346909883191361536
#Breaking: (Viewer discretion advised 18+) - Video shows a woman being taken away from the Capitol by medics after being shot in the neck/chest area:
Moments the Capitol was breached:
#BREAKING: (Graphic! For reporting purposes. 18+) - Video shows the moments the shooting occurred inside the Capitol:
Reports of a female officer down. In the Dirksen Senate Office Building subway. An urgent request for EMS was made: https://twitter.com/alanhenney/status/1346917000065540097
(Graphic. For reporting purposes. 18+) - Video shows the moments after a woman was shot inside the Capitol building:
Video shows the moments shots were fired inside the Capitol building:
US Marshals going to assist other law enforcement agencies at the US Capitol building: https://twitter.com/USMarshalsHQ/status/1346930681176346625
More video from the Capitol after pro-Trump supporters breach the line of police and have opened the Capitol from both the front and back sides: https://twitter.com/bgonthescene/status/1346931119363665923
Video shows the FBI’s SWAT team inside the Capitol building:
Video with one of the witnesses of the shooting inside the Capitol building:
#Breaking: Initial and unconfirmed reports circulating that the woman shot in the neck inside the Capitol building has died: https://twitter.com/inteldotwav/status/1346934516485484546
There are unconfirmed reports that a man opened fire at a group standing in the corner near the Capitol. It is unclear if anyone was injured or why the incident occurred: https://twitter.com/VenturaReport/status/1346935134465921026
New reports claim that VP Mike Pence, not President Trump, authorized the deployment of the National Guard https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1346938473710759936
Video shows rioters ‘mobbed camera crews and destroyed their equipment.’ (h/t @Julio_Rosas11)
“US Acting Secretary of Defense states he discussed deployment of National Guard with VP Pence, Senate Leader McConnell, House Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer, but no mention of President Trump.” https://twitter.com/spectatorindex/status/1346943165429817344
Picture of one of the suspected IEDs found near Capitol Hill: https://twitter.com/cbs_herridge/status/1346943794072137730
#WashingtonDC https://twitter.com/alanhenney/status/1346946275439206407
Video of police pushing pro-Trump supporters away from the Capitol:
NBC News confirms that the woman shot inside the Capitol building has died: https://twitter.com/NBCNews/status/1346951706056282115
(Graphic. For reporting purposes 18+) Another angle of the shooting inside the Capitol building:

Initial reports of an officer found unconscious inside (or near) the US Capitol and the complex is back on lockdown: https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1346967737919098887
Video showing the moments pro-Trump supporters broke through the first barricade at the Capitol building earlier this morning:
Loud explosion heard in the neighborhood of Mount Vernon Square/Convention Center in DC. Unclear on what it was: https://twitter.com/martinmatishak/status/1346968550498467840
(Graphic. 18+). Another angle of the shooting inside a Capitol building. (Re-uploaded as the first one was deleted by the original tweeter).

A tweet from a friend of the person shot inside the Capitol: https://twitter.com/realdealaxelrod/status/1347004094741794824
#WashingtonDC https://twitter.com/pmbreakingnews/status/1347031142797615104
(Graphic. For reporting purposes 18+) New extremely clear video shows the moments the woman #AshliBabbit was shot inside the Capitol building in #WashingtonDC:
Screenshot from the moment the officer fired:
#WashingtonDC https://twitter.com/InstaNewsAlerts/status/1347226841896132609
#WashingtonDC #DCRIOTS #DCProtests https://twitter.com/jengriffinfnc/status/1347235734005174274
Reports that the #FBI’s digital media team is currently hunting the rioters who stormed the Capitol building on social media websites. Acting AG Rosen says that some participants will be charged today: https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1347245423317151746
Today Schumer said if the Senate Sergeant at Arms hasn't vacated the position by the time Democrats have a majority in the Senate, then he would fire him: https://twitter.com/frankthorp/status/1347247625641332736
The DC Police Department tweeted out the names and ages of the four people who lost their lives yesterday while at the Capitol. #dcriots #DCProtests https://twitter.com/dcpolicedept/status/1347255286650855426
Statement from the Department of Defense on yesterday’s violence at the Capitol: https://twitter.com/deptofdefense/status/1347273118851739648
It appears some officials were widely unaware of the multiple threats and statements made on social media of the intention to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6th https://twitter.com/hshaban/status/1347275683173695489
Video from yesterday shows a man falling while climbing up the side of the steps leading up to the Capitol: https://twitter.com/zerosum24/status/1347312497041268740
#WashintonDC https://twitter.com/bradheath/status/1347312026180349958
There are conflicting reports on how it happened but a US Capitol Police officer who was working yesterday has died. It seems that the cause of death was a stroke but it is unknown the officer suffered injuries before: https://twitter.com/kristin__wilson/status/1347328325019164680
Trump has released a new video:
#WashingtonDC https://twitter.com/natashabertrand/status/1347327314363904006
A new conflicting report claims that the Capitol PD officer has not perished and is still in very critical condition in the ER: https://twitter.com/Olivia_Beavers/status/1347347972414173185
Confirmed that the Capitol Police Officer has died: https://twitter.com/frankthorp/status/1347404855606915072
A federal murder investigation will be opened into the death of Brian D. Sicknick, a US Capitol Police officer: https://twitter.com/phil_mattingly/status/1347539675934826499
The officer who died yesterday following the #DCRIOTS. RIP https://twitter.com/aaronkatersky/status/1347518052280258566
Great thread: https://twitter.com/jakegodin/status/1347531898382385156
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