1/ How have we come to this, teetering on the precipice of a political extinction event? The Electoral Certification challenge will certainly fail but immoral political theater is damning. And also a victory. For stupidity, naked greed, personal ambition, raw power.
2/ In which cynical propaganda has superseded campaigning and fund-raising as the most effective political tools. In which endless shit-trains of conspiratorial nonsense cannot be differentiated from policy, from McCain’s bus or RFK entreating crowds on a whistle-stop tour.
3/ Why do we assume we've evolved? The leaders of Babylon similarly ran their society, culture, empire, and the verdant Eden that surrounded them into the ground, sheerly out of greed and willful ignorance. It is now Iraq, a pit of sand and blood and unabated violence.
4/ Sedition. Traitor. Quisling. Apostate. Benedict Arnold. Aldritch Ames. Tokyo Rose. Ezra Pound. Judas Iscariot. Julian Assange. Ted Cruz. Josh Hawley. Tommy Tuberville. Kelly Loeffler. Ron Johnson. Steve Daines. Marsha Blackburn. Mike Braun. James Lankford. John N. Kennedy.
5/ These people, Orwell’s Pigs, flaunting incomprehension and intellectual sterility, are lead weights, the Unbearable Darkness Of Non-Being, want us to knuckle under in exasperation and despair, exhausted from fighting generations of exactly this brand of deceit and moral ruin.
6/ How do you drum up the collective resolve to factually rebut a fact-less society? How do you fight the rote dogmatism of lobbyists and enablers, petrochemical oligarchs, the self-interest of science denial, foreclosure cheats and opiate conglomerates and hedge fund bros?
7/ The Lehmans and Sterns and Enrons and Milkens. The military profiteers and their vanished Iraqi billions, the Cheneys and Bechtels and Blackwaters. Ivanka's Chinese patents and Kushner's slumlord Slender-neck. The insider stock dumps of Loeffler and Perdue.
8/ The albatross necklace of a capitalism based on social media surveillance. A Hoovering of personal data regurgitated as product-flogging so ubiquitous it soaks into the frontal lobe like spilled ink, festers there, far more wily and damaging than a direct assault.
9/ How do you fight the dead eyes and vacuous statements of Mike Pence? The ethical impoverishment of the Sedition Caucus? The fact that 2/3rds of congressional Republicans want to challenge a perfunctory vote because, like a herd of angry toddlers, they didn't get their way?
10/ Conservative is no longer a valid adjective. They are radicals. Anarchists. Further Right than AOC could ever dream of being Left. They are Emma Goldman and Big Bill Haywood. Sacco and Vanzetti. The embodiment of manufactured boogeyman Bill Ayers. A collective Haymarket Riot.
11/ The sanity rising from dimwitted ashes will come when this scheme fails, which it will. But we will not emerge unscathed, a communal Randall J. McMurphy singed by the electroshock but still wearing a knit cap and a smirk. Meanwhile Nurse Ratched (R-OR) will always lurk.
12/ Mike Pence has the power to do exactly zero. The Sedition Caucus is an impotent circus. Their capacity for self-interested self-delusion is without bottom. The deliberations will like be a bad musical shuttered after the second performance.
13/ In the end, our greatest advantage is that actual traitors hold beliefs, no matter how grubby or wrong-headed. These people believe in nothing, and that is their true weakness.
#electoralcollegeVote #mikepence #ElectoralCollegeChallenge #RepublicansAreDestroyingAmerica
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