Confirmation Thread

State by state. Let the games begin.

Alabama has been confirmed without objection.
Alaska has been confirmed without objection.
Arizona is being challenged by Republicans.

Woahs from the Dems.
Standing ovation from the Reps.

Dems have objected that obviously and now we have our first break folks

Senate and House will go back to their respective chambers for 2 hours.
CNN projects we should see AT LEAST 2 more objections. One from PA the other from GA.
Rep. Steve Scalise - (R) Minority Whip is currently telling tales and fallacies that there was some sort of fraud in "several" states.
Rep. Zoe Lofgren - (D) Cali (House Floor)

"If we allow Congress to decide the election...there would be no need to have an election.....the president is decided by the will of the people not the elite few"

Bitch McConnell is now speaking on Senate Floor....
McConnell is dismissing the claims of tr*mp and hold onto the fact that if they overturn the election it would send this country into a dangerous political spiral...
McConnell cont...

"There must not be a double standard" which is referring to the fact that reps for the last 4 years have been bashing dems for objecting tr*mps election and here they are doing the same today.
Mitch McConnell has stated he will be abiding by what the people voted for.

*he gets his real name back for this one tweet*
Sen. Chuck Schumer knocking heads... "they will lose and they know it." "Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be sworn in as President and Vice President of the US. In this process, they will embarrass themselves, their party, and worst of all their country."
Uglyass Ted Cruz has taken the mic....

He's such a loser, I won't be giving any recap on his dumbass. I will say that he is scum. A CUBAN man trying to live as a white one. đŸ€ź
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D) Minnesota

Thanks Dems and Reps that have joined arms against the "coup fighters"

Points out the fact that Cruz didn't object to the swearing in of 4 republican representatives last week from Arizona because there indeed was NO fraud.
Sen. Pat Toomey (R) PA

Not with the shit. Asserts there is no power awarding to Congress to do what they are attempting to do.

Poses the point that the objectors are only objecting to swing states that tr*mp lost. "What about North Carolina?"
Toomey closes with the fact that he himself did not want Joe Biden as president but recognizes the democracy is more important than what he wants.
All proceedings are paused since protestors have breached the building.
Huddled members of Congress on both sides on the aisle have affirmed they will continue the confirmation process as soon as it is safe.
Well y’all after almost 7 hours of chaos, members of Congress are reconvening in the capitol...
Pence is speaking...

“For those that recked havoc today, you did not win!”

“Let’s get back to work”

*he is visibly more stern than normal.
Bitch McConnell is byke and has condemned all acts today in his little shaky voice.

“We’re going to finish what we started. We will certify the winner of the 2020 election.”
Chuck Schumer takes time to acknowledge ol girl who died...why? Idk I’m just reportin the shit 😂

Schumer describes those involved in today’s bullshit :

“Violent Extremists”
“Domestic Terrorist”

“They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent.”
Representatives from both sides are making statements to one another on ones of ensuring moving forward there are no more objections and the vote can be certified tonight.
According to reports.... loser kelly leoffler has back off her intentions of objecting to certify the GA election results.

We will see....
Sen. Josh Hawley (R) Missouri

Is standing firm on the fact that he believes there were irregularities in PA.

Smh. These hoes are still tripping after ALL this shit.

The Kansas Star said this man has blood on his hands for what happened today.
Sen. Mitt Romney (R) Utah

This mf got 25 grandkids....

Applauds the Republicans that have changed their mind on pulling the bullshit they intended on pulling.

“The best way to deal with the voters that are upset is to tell them the truth”
*ovations erupted*
Senators have just voted down the objection to Arizona’s electoral votes.
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