Pence’s political career is over we all know that. Not sure why he waited until the last possible minute to release this though.
Congressional Republicans just cheered inside the Capitol for an attempt to throw out votes. A truly dark day in American history. Despicable. Inexcusable. If you continue to vote for this party you’re part of the problem. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Dangerous lunatics.
It is going to be a long and ugly day.
Trump’s lunatics are on the streets of Washington......Trump is back at the White House despite claiming he’d March with his cult.
No need to have any sympathy for Pence or McConnell. None. They’ve spent years enabling Trump and his cult.
Every single person that has voted GOP owns a piece of this. Every single one. It is going to be a dangerous day in Washington. Stay safe people. There will be some dark days and weeks ahead too.
Stop this nonsense please. No he’s not.
Of course Chuck Todd liked McConnell’s ridiculous speech. It had false equivalency and made no mention of the part McConnell has player getting country to this moment in time.
“Blue lives matter” only applies when cheering cops for murdering people or when this cult is allowed to desecrate the flag.
Call them what they are. Terrorists. Good point from @GarrettHaake just now. Pence has significant secret service detail at the building. O ends later we see Pence getting taken out if room. Senate room just got locked by police. This is going to get really bad.
This should be pointed out by everyone today. Trump sent these terrorists to the Capitol Building today.
Lock everyone one these clowns. This is a coup attempt. This isn’t a protest. This isn’t a joke. Arrest every single one of these dangerous lunatics
Donald Trump and the leadership of Republican Party should be charged. This is a coup attempt. This is beyond dangerous.
Donald Trump sent these lunatics to the Capitol. Republican Party and each and every one of you who voted for this party owns this moment.
If these terrorists had skin darker than milk a few of them would be dead by now.
This is crazy.
Thanks for this @bubbaprog
Donald Trump should face charges for this.
Literal traitors.
National guard is on its way. This is crazy. I don’t understand how they weren’t ready for this.
Or maybe not. Trump’s criminals protecting Trump’s criminals.
This is a literal coup attempt. Throw Trump out of office already. Can not wait until the 20th. He needs to be impeached this very moment.
Can the media please stop calling these terrorists protesters. These are terrorists attempting a coup. These are Trump’s thugs. These are GOP’s thugs. These aren’t protesters.
Crazy person who enabled Trump’s crimes is suddenly horrified by Trump’s crimes. @MickMulvaney
Ted Cruz was on the floor of the senate being a voice for these terrorists when the breach happened.
Just impeach Trump from your offices right now. This is a coup.
Find and identify each one of these terrorists. Charge them. Lock them away for a very long time.
Tomorrow? It should be done today.
I keep coming back to this. How did they not see this coming? Trump and other lunatics in the GOP have been inciting this for a long time.
In a sane country Trump would’ve been impeached (well he probably never would’ve been elected) already and taken into custody.
Trump’s thugs took down an American flag at the Capitol and tried to raise a Trump one.
Good. As it should be. We’ve treated the crimes of GOP leadership as normal behavior for far too long. Things will get worse If action isn’t taken.
In a sane country Biden wouldn’t be 46 but 47. Trump should be thrown out today. Things will get worse over few days and weeks.
We have cops letting terrorists into the Capitol.
We have cops taking selfies with terrorists.
Take his Twitter account down already @TwitterSafety
Lets play another round of what would’ve happened if these terrorists had skin color darker than milk.
New label on Trump’s Twitter account but Twitter still won’t shut it down.
Someone ask @LindseyGrahamSC what should be done to Trump and his fellow congressional Republicans who encouraged this.
Trump is going to attempt to pardon these terrorists.
Hasn’t even noticed the gate in this video originally.
So much this. This is the same nonsense that has led people to not call out people who’ve voted GOP and Trump. Treating the nonsense of the last decade as normal was always dangerous. It is dangerous today.
Question is, how many people who voted GOP but claim to be good people actually wake up from their delusions today?
No need to apologize for saying the truth.
This aged as badly as we thought it would.
Today could’ve been a lot worse. It’ll probably still be a very long night in Washington.
Impeach this criminal again @SpeakerPelosi. What is the point of having impeachment or the 25th amendment if you don’t use it when something like this happens.
Twitter waiting until January 20th to shut Trump’s account down is beyond stupid.
People like Hawley, Cruz and so many others will attempt to distance themselves from what has happened today. Don’t let them.
Twitter deleted the latest Trump tweets. They left his speech to his cult on his timeline though.
Just destroy the entire GOP. Every part of it. No one should for another Republican anywhere in this country.
An important thread incoming. Hold each and every one of these people accountable.
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