This may not be a popular take, but it's the right one to #SaveTheRepublic & you should hear me out:

The GOP Senators & Representatives objecting to the electoral college vote SHOULD NOT be referred to as "Seditious", even if what they are doing is violating & reprehensible.
If we really want to #HealAmerica & put our country on a better path, we cannot start this new political era by entertaining the idea that criminal charges should be leveled against scores of elected officials of a single party

Those are the kind of actions that start civil wars
True American patriots & those who put #HumanityFirst should hold these deceitful leaders accountable... in their next elections. This is no time for us to harden partisan polarization & distrust with new provocations. Unless they act with force or intent to use force
#SeditionHasConsequences, but this is not yet a true seditious conspiracy. If Speaker Pelosi or Majority Leader Schumer refuse to seat these #MAGA Morons, they will generate even more political violence between the extremists. That wouldn't be a positive outcome at all!
I don't think people yet realize how dangerous a situation we are really in if President Trump refuses to concede the election & ends up being physically removed from the White House. We need to set aside our vindictive impulses against our fellow citizens & realize the danger
We have to prevent further escalation of political violence!

Charging so many Republicans with conspiracy would activate many of Trump's most delusional followers "rise up" against "tyranny"... & potentially cause violence to their fellow citizens. We can't afford it!
Use common sense! If Donald Trump is determined to deny reality itself, that's fine as long as he's doesn't incite more violence. If he incites violence that's a different story, but he is bound to lose popularity over time as a toothless crybaby

The #MAGA Movement will wither
What the most extreme of the #MAGA folks want the MOST is a crackdown on their movement by the Democratic establishment. Nothing else would make them stronger!

Every brazen act of hostility from their opponents will only intensify their own efforts. They feed off that hostility
We must be very careful & very patient. People this deceitful eventually make more mistakes. When criminal activities DO happen, we should be ready to support prosecution.

Please don't de-fang the words "Sedition" & "Treason" by using them so casually 🇺🇸
The spin by the mainstream news media like @MSNBC & @CNN is very clear today

They want to make the #MAGA protestors all look like rioters & all the rioters look like Nazis 🙄
There are some “bad dudes” in that #MAGA mob, to be sure! But the talking heads are only going to make themselves look foolish with this kind of reporting.

This is a coup attempt, don’t get me wrong & there are fascists in DC today, but there are many factors here to consider
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