UCP ministers and MLAs have been given the talking points that Albertans are right to be angry (no kidding!), but that they will work hard to ‘rebuild’ our trust. Considering everything they’ve said and done in the last few years, there is no reason to ever trust them, but 1/12
here is my list of what I would need to see happen before I could even consider it. ALL of this:
1. Tell us right now who else travelled out of province for the holidays. Everyone. We know there are more. By waiting for them to be discovered, especially those who already 2/12
denied it, trust is further eroded. If that means more cabinet ministers have to resign, so be it. Why should this all fall on one when others are guilty?
2. Pass the recall legislation. You promised. It’s time. And it better be feasible and possible to use. 3/12
3. Put the doctors’ contract back in place. You were wrong. No excuses.
4. Answer ?s in the #ableg when NDP asks. That’s their job. Every time you deflect, repeat your talking points, or turn it into an insult to the opposition, trust is eroded. Just answer the questions 4/12
5. Consider amendments the opposition proposes, and accept them if they clarify or improve the legislation. Always rejecting them on principle does not build trust. Gaslighting about why they are not needed does not build trust. 5/12
6. Remember that you were elected to represent ALL Albertans, not just the ones who voted for you or who gave you big campaign donations. Start acting like it.
7. Return control of teacher pensions to ATRF.
8. Get rid of the War Room or at least make it FOIPable. Spending a teacher or nurse’s salary every day to run this international embarrassment when we don’t know what they’re even doing does not build trust.
9. Stop installing panels of your cronies to reach pre-determined outcomes and hiding behind them because you are too cowardly to do it yourselves.
10. Stop all this CPP nonsense. It’s NOT better for us and you know it.
11. Stop trying to gaslight Albertans into thinking there is anything like a majority who want an Alberta police force.
12. While you’re at it, stop impeding the RCMP investigation into the UCP leadership race. We deserve to know what happened and who was involved. If that 9/12
results in MLAs or even the premier being forced to resign, so be it. How can you ask us to trust you when that’s still out there?
13. Fire the racist(s) overseeing the curriculum, and get teachers involved again. Listen to them. The only ‘ideology’ in there is yours. 10/12
14. Direct your issues managers and press secretaries to stop trolling and gaslighting people on social media. Let them honestly and politely answer questions and that’s it.
15. Stop looking for ways to take money from AISH, public service and others to fix the budget. 11/12
That’s a long list, and I’m sure there are many other things (feel free to add!). But that is an absolute *minimum* before I could associate anything like the word ‘trust’ with UCP.
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