Amazing and perfect commentary from @abbydphillip on today’s events:

“This is a Republican party who has nurtured and fed this creature that is now about to eat them alive. They’ve lost control over a base that doesn’t trust them, doesn’t want them to do the right thing... /1
... doesn’t want them to follow the Constitution — and they can’t do anything about it... There is a Trump base who wants this [chaos] to happen today, but they can’t be reasoned with anymore, and the Republican party in Washington — the people who “know better,” — /2
— they don’t have control over this anymore. How do you lead when you don’t have the respect of your constituents, when you don’t have the moral authority? ... When they go home to their districts, their constituents believe the lies... /3
... Their constituents want them to do things that they know are unconstitutional. And they can’t push back against it — in their view. Because they’re not going to change those minds.... This is the consequence of living in an imaginary world full of lies and disinformation.” /4
This x1000

Believing lies and manipulated information are necessary tools, a sharp advantage, only destroy the base of your strength, in the end. /5
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