Polis estimates 2% of Coloradans have been vaccinated, notes they have not gotten their second shot to give some form of immunity
The governor promises clarity on how people 70+ can receive the vaccine, says there will be easy places for those people to get info and sign up
"Our top priority in this administration is to make sure that we have the infrastructure in place, that healthcare workers and age 70 and up can get the vaccine whenever possible"
Polis says the updated priority list for vaccines is to include the most vulnerable. He says the state is finishing up phase 1A and starting in 1B in some areas of the state
Polis notes that vaccinating in long term care facilities is in the hands of a federal partnership with Walgreens and CVS, he reports Walgreens expects to be finished next week, CVS at the end of January
Polis says expanding 1B brings the state plan more inline with CDC guidelines
Numbers of how phase 1 breaks down:
For people older than 70, @CDPHE director Jill Hunsaker Ryan recommends they call their health care provider for "further instructions"
Timeline for phase 1:
The Governor’s office has the goal to vaccinate 70% of 70+ by Feb 28. Here’s their plan to do so:
Shifting to back to school: Polis says, with immunity likely not setting in for teachers until spring time, protective measures are still the states priority for reopening schools.
Part of the plan for back to school includes rapud Home-use tests for people who are symptomatic or are exposed. Private or public school districts need to opt in to this program. Polis hopes Colorado schools conduct 1 million tests per month.
Dr. Ryan says that they don't believe the pharmacies' distribution to assisted living facilities and they're trying to provide manpower and other resources to help speed it up. Polis says its frustrating they don't have control of the process
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