Much has rightly been said about the destructive influence of money in politics. Less discussed is how the chase for dollars pollutes campaign messaging. 1
Analyses buzzing at the race forward, holistically progressive approaches in #GASEN - talking about human rights issues (grossly mislabeled “identity politics”) not just ok, it’s required. 2
A closer look at Ossoff’s narrative shift, in particular, reveals a telling evolution. In the final sprint, he pivoted toward an *affirmative* solution based message, rooted in having a government that cares for and respects all, no exceptions. 3
My colleague @jillmarcellus noted this shift - away from “ahhhh!!! Be afraid, be very afraid “ - coincided with no longer focusing on fundraising but rather mobilization. 4
Conventional online fundraising assumes you shake people down by scaring them about the horrible consequences of loss. And fear based messaging does evoke “fight” (and $) among the most committed activists/base. 5
But research shows it encourages others - high potential voters especially people of color - to “freeze.” Vote is a verb. An action to take not merely a belief to hold. Motivating voting behavior requires affirmative messaging about world we can create. 6
Fear based messaging also - in the longer term - makes people more conservative. It awakens innate desire all of us hold to some degree for insularity, familiarity and intolerance of ambiguity. 7
In a battle of fear against fear, the right wins. We will never out-terrorize them. Nor should we try. What works to motivate inherently right wing people, and swing middle toward destructive policies, is NOT what works on apolitical but inherently more left wing people.
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