If you're a rank and file Democrat who wants them to pass marijuana legalization, Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, student debt cancellation, or even something approaching these policies, pay very close attention for the next two years.
It's almost a guarantee that they're going to try to convince you that these things STILL aren't possible, because of Republican voters, Joe Manchin, the deficit, or something else. At some point you have to stop believing them.
I don't expect every Democratic voter to support the Sanders platform, but I beg you to demand your elected officials pass the policies you want. They work for you, you don't have to defend everything they do.
They're already doing it! If you're a Democrat, is this what you want? Two years of compromise with the blood and soil nationalists you spent four years fighting? Don't let your own team stab you in the back. https://twitter.com/aseitzwald/status/1346857308484218880?s=19
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