1. The govt hasn’t provided enough laptops for children without access to online learning.
2. The govt has admitted that schools are vectors of transmission of #Covid and have closed to all but key workers and vulnerable students. #schools #laptops
3. The govt is now saying that children without access to laptops should be in school.
4. Schools with high levels of students from deprived backgrounds will have more children mixing.
5. The govt has admitted that schools are vectors of transmission.
6. So schools with lots of students without access to laptops (as well as vulnerable students and children of key workers) are not closed or safe because in some places *hundreds* of children could be mixing again.
7. The govt has admitted schools are vectors of transmission.
8. The logical conclusion is that the govt are willing to risk the health and safety of teachers, students and their families in areas of high deprivation because they can’t be arsed to give out laptops like they said they would. This is world beating incompetence.
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