Why Terrorists Target Hazara Community? Thread🖇️📎
First of all, it is not something which emerged in the last few years,won't go into the history of Hazara origin but
Hazaras have been living in Afghanistan since 1880's & Mass migration of Hazara population to (1/11)
Balochistan started during the 19th century due to persecution during the reign of King Abdur Rahman. Not all belonging to the Hazara community are Shias (majority is ) but there are Ismailis & Sunnis as well. Under the Taliban regime, they also faced persecution. This is (2/11)
where Iran moved into the game as a savior of Hazara. Post-Taliban they hoped for better treatment but were denied in🇦🇫 ,& were a soft target for terrorists in🇵🇰.
10 years down the line. Poor security situation & worse economic conditions paved the way for 🇮🇷.🇮🇷 recruited (3/11)
fighters both from🇵🇰(Zainabiyoun) 🇦🇫(Fatemiyoun) especially from Hazara refugees in Iran. This further deteriorated the situation, First, only local factions were targeting them, this move made them actors in the international security arena.ISIS justified multiple attacks (4/11)
against the #Hazara community in both countries calling it revenge for their role in Syria & Iraq. Fast Forward, they are still being targeted but it is not just only about "sect", Shia communities are living peacefully in Dera Murad Jamali & Jafarabad in Balochistan. (5/11)
Plus the ethnic angle is there how many Pushtun & Baloch leaders came forward against such inhumane acts? Ever heard Baluch Sardars, other tribal heads.
Even Mainstream Political parties leader rarely talk about the persecution of Hazara? Baluch Fasict militant org's (6/11)
even do the same with Punjabis, it's not just only the Hazaras who face persecution because of their identity. (Punjabi laborers working in Baluchistan.)
Similarly even when talking about the sectarian part Lashkar e Jhagvi also carried out an attack on (7/11)
the Srilankan cricket team, LEJ was an arm of the Al-Qaeda Subcontinent. Despite the sectarian nature, you can't rule out it being part of the Bigger game (Instigating a minority to rise up against the state). Post-2019, In🇵🇰 we rarely came across any such major incident, (8/11)
especially in 2020, but yes ISIS carried out major attacks against Hazara in Afghanistan even in this incident 7/11 coal miners were Afghan. Attacks on Primliagers have decreased over the years The state is growing & showing its responsibility but this is not enough. (9/11)
The saddest part of the story is that no one really owns them & those who own exploit them for their own benefits. Being a small community, they offer little political gains, so the pathetic role of political leadership is obvious, when was the last time any national (10/11)
the level leader went to Hazara, leave govt where is the opposition? Where are labor unions?
To end this
- End Stereotyping of Hazara
- Mainstreaming
- Joint efforts with Afghanistan
- State should own them so others don't exploit them. (11/11)
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