How to find product ideas?

⛔️ Good to know:
You can't come with a 100% original idea

Take inspiration from other products and fix the bad things them:

- Add or reduce features.
- Change the target customer.

How to find products to copy? 👇👇
1) Marketplaces:
Go to Envato, Chrome store, AppSumo, App Store, etc
- Find products with a lot of downloads but a low rating.

Read the reviews carefully and extract the pain points.

2) Stories:
You can find problems, ideas, and markets by reading other product stories.

3) PH, IH, HN, Betalist, etc:
If you are looking for product ideas, make sure to follow these websites:
- Product Hunt.
- Hacker News.
- IndieHackers.
- Beta list.

4) Freelancing:
Working as a freelancer will let you know people's needs and their pain points.
- You can find some tasks that can be easily automated.
- Softwares they are using.
- Plugins ideas.

What if you don't want to work as a freelancer? 👇👇
5) Spy on freelancers:
Browsing Upwork, Guru, Fiverr, etc will let you know what businesses are looking for.
It's a great way to find tasks that can be automated.
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