We wanted to know: if we can only use a small number of wearable sensors to monitor low back loading, then which sensors should we use, where should we place them, what type of algorithm should we employ, & how accurately can we monitor back loading during material handling?

To address this we synchronously collected data from the #biomechanics lab & from #wearables to analyze 10 individuals each performing 400 different material handling tasks. We explored dozens of candidate solutions that used IMUs on various body locations & pressure insoles.

We found that the two key sensors for accurately monitoring low back loading are a trunk IMU & pressure insoles. Together with a Gradient Boosted Decision Tree algorithm they have potential to provide a practical, accurate & automated way to monitor back loading & injury risk.
We also found that the key to realizing accurate lumbar load estimates with this wearable approach in the real world will likely be optimizing force estimates from pressure insoles.

This was one of the largest data collections we’ve undertaken, using lab & wearable sensors to study ~400 tasks per participant. It was a lot of fun to dive deeper into the #biomechanics of ergonomics. Big kudos to lead author @EmilyMatijevich and our ML collaborator Peter.

We’re really excited about the potential for #wearables to improve the quality, quantity & efficiency of #ergonomic assessments in industry, & to help usher in a new era of preventative occupational safety & health that transforms how musculoskeletal risk is managed & insured.
It's worth highlighting that there are strong similarities between injury risk management in the workplace & in sports. These fields stand to learn a lot from each other.

#biomechanics #ergonomics

Overuse/overexertion injuries are prevalent in both industry & sport. Portable, practical, automated & accurate tools that enable musculoskeletal load & injury risk monitoring have the potential to be game-changing in both these domains -- for science & societal wellbeing.

In conclusion: watch out overuse/overexertion injuries!

It's 2021 & you’re being put on notice: the arsenal of #ergonomics & #biomechanics & the future of #wearables is coming together to break you down & put you in check 😬


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