I just need to say this:
I really am not invested in robbing people of sanity and joy. I’m just committed to an honest critique of anti-Blackness. I know that conflates with moments of Black joy at times bc joy is often found in state-violence. However, I actually am not trying—
to make living harder on Black people. I’m actually not trying to “wake people up” because I know feeling disillusioned and numb to the stakes are far more pleasant than being accountable to them. I know because I live in this torment and torture everyday.
Everyday I wish i wasn’t “radicalized.” I wish I never read afropessimism lol. More importantly, I wish I didn’t believe it. I wish I never had to see Black Death so vividly in the ways I’ve seen it —From how I grew up to being in community with my queer/non-binary friends.
I genuinely want Black people to hold on to whatever hope and joy they can glean from this world and be alright. I want us to get by day by day. I don’t want to rob anyone of their capacity to get by. I just cannot be irresponsible with my truth. I cannot be irresponsible
with god’s work or my ancestor’s deaths. It really is my duty to fight for MY freedom if nobody else’s. And I’m clear that living in this level of truth is what it’s going to take for ME to even believe in a prospect for freedom. I’m really sorry for how my truths impact
others. There’s nothing comfortable, safe, or solace about anti-Blackness. I ask, for anyone who feels like my tweets are “joy snatchers” or “too much” to please unfollow me. This is not a patronizing or malicious request. I genuinely want you to be well, and I can’t be forced
to lie about anti-Blackness for your wellness. So to prevent any further harm from me or others please unfollow me because my tweets are not ever going to let up on anti-Blackness. I hope y’all know I care deeply and I am really sorry for all of the triggers today.
You can follow @_Rawilcox.
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