Our resident nutritionist Louisa is pestering us to “tweet about how people should take vitamin D supplements at this time of year” so please accept this as us tweeting that you should take vitamin D supplements at this time of year.

Sigh. Apparently our suggestion that you take vitamin D supplements was “too passive aggressive” and “lacking enthusiasm” and “unlikely to persuade anyone”.

We'd be overcome with joy if you took some wonderful vitamin d supplements to delightfully counteract the lack of sun.
Well apparently that wasn’t the right tone either and now we’re just “massively undermining an important public health message”.

Don’t know why we bother sometimes.
For those asking about vitamin D in drinks, Louisa said "this is an important public health message so don't try and crowbar in a sales pitch, you opportunistic little rats".

Oh no, Sales have caught wind of this. They're demanding the crowbar. It's all getting pretty ugly. We won't repeat what Louisa has called them. It was harsh, but not entirely inaccurate.
Look, before this all gets completely out of hand:

Sales would like you to know that our yellow Rays and Shine juice has 23% of your vitamin D rda per 150ml serving, and our resident nutritionist Louisa would like us to add that you still need to take vitamin D supplements.
Our boss: "Are you trying to tear this company apart one tweet at a time?"

Us: "No. That's what we use LinkedIn for."
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