Today we take the Decimal System for granted. But this Indian invention revolutionized the world. No modern math or science is possible without it. Imagine doing astrophysics with Roman Numerals! Western Science remained primitive till the Indian import.

That's not all ...1/
It took Europe over FOUR CENTURIES to understand and accept the decimal system. Now advanced calculations could be done "algorithmically", i.e. rather than by the abacus—an extension of counting fingers and toes. The resistance shows how alien and revolutionary that was. 2/
The "backwards Nordic people" of Europe learned this from the Moors and the Arabs (who also took centuries to understand it).

The Church was deathly opposed to these numbers, and forbade their use. The numbers were called ciphers (or code) as opposed to the plain Roman numbers.
What about the "advanced Greeks"? Most of their achievements were attributed based on extrapolated Arabic texts by the Church . As C K Raju has shown there is no evidence of "Euclid" ever existing. Pythagoras explicitly copied from India. This solves this White man's "puzzle."
Why did Algebra originate in India "at the same time"? Because the Decimal System it is a special case of Bijaganita.

What is 5x^2 + 3x + 6? When x =10, it is 536.

The Decimal System is based on polynomials.

Follow @GarudaPrakashan for more in @MeruPrastara's upcoming book.
No Abacus is not the Decimal System. The Decimal System is the PLACE-VALUE system. This is not possible without Zero. They can count in tens but had no way to represent it which could be used for calculation. They had to return to the Abacus to calculate.
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