Crowd continues to increase in size with Trump supporters for today’s rally in Washington, DC.
Pictures of the crowd listening to President Trump at the rally in DC.
Trump supporters are storming the grounds of the Capitol Building and tearing down fencing.
Trump supporters got into fights with the Capitol Police after they tried to enter the Capitol Building.
Capitol Police pushed the Trump supporters back and used a lot of pepper spray.
Capitol Police are using flashbangs to try to get the Trump crowd to disperse.
Trump supporters chase away the outnumbered Capitol Police and throw objects at them.
Trump supporters inside the Capitol Rotunda.
Trump supporters fought back after Capitol Police moved in to retake the Rotunda.
Rioter uses a metal barricade to try to break open a Capitol building door.
Rioters just mobbed camera crews and destroyed their equipment.
Police are clearing the Capitol grounds as the crowd has gotten much smaller here.
About to go on @TuckerCarlson’s show to talk about what saw I today at the Capitol building.
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