The hard Left analysis of wokeness -- that it is neoliberal Astroturf whose purpose is to divide any movement to contest the will of capital along racial lines while preserving a radically unequal status quo -- is a bit too coarse for my taste, but it has aged quite well
Corporations and high net worth individuals have donated more than $10 billion to racial justice orgs since March 2020
This analysis suggests that what was once done through racism can also be effectuated through putative "anti-racism".

Of course I see it as an emergent, opportunistic process rather than a conspiracy, though it became policy once a certain class identified the opportunity...
Anybody watching the Never Trumpers, the establishment coalescence around Biden, and the messaging around the summer of protest should by now be sensitized to the cunning of the establishment in appropriating and deploying radicalism toward its own ends
It's quite crude, blatant, and easy to see through, if you have the right context to understand what's going on -- but also amazing how an inattentive public can be taken in entirely.
The coordinated way that every speaker at the Democratic National Convention called the protests "good trouble" really impressed me
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