Don't let a woman who isn't prioritizing time with you, neither is she sure of her schedule to fuck up yours with her
"I'll let you know" BS
What you want to get when you confirm a date is a certain "yes" or "No"
At the same time you need to make sure you're not the problem

Don't hit up women randomly to arrange dates without planning in advance

Lest you forget, she has a life

Don't hit up Monday morning, scheduling for Monday afternoon

Ask what she's doing, then schedule
For women that are long distance (more than an hour away), you schedule in advance of 3 days

That is, mainland to Island. Island to mainland.
If the woman is within an hours distance, you can schedule that morning for the evening time or for the next day
Of course you'll still get some "I'll let you knows"

That woman either doesn't value your time and she believes you to be the typical clueless male

Or if she values your time, she's trying to keep you as a 2nd option incase a better offer comes along

Don't agree to such
How do you reply women whom aren't willing to make a meeting with you a main event?

Here are different ways to handle it
These replies are called 'Takeaway's'


You can't set a block of time or a whole day aside based on "maybe's" or "I'll let you knows"

These replies force the girls hand to either make a definite date with you or accept that you will happily cancel till some other time
Till some other time that may never come
Is there anything wrong with forcing her hand?

Not a single thing

She's forced you to hold yourself in stasis based on her uncertainty

And you can't agree to that as you have other plans (I hope you do)

So return the favor and tell her you'll 'maybe' hit her up later yourself
A woman's uncertainty is only fine if she has displayed consistent behaviors in the past whereby she actually let you know or she kept in touch with you considerably on prior plans

Such girls are rare

Most women flake

Women who keep in touch are 1 in 20

You don't want to be waiting

You want to be the one initiating the date

You don't want to be waiting cus

1. She might never let you know
2. You enter her frame
If you agree to let her 'check her schedule', contacting her again when she is still 'checking' will make you look like a priss

And you're a priss for agreeing

You need to shift the frame to your side and cancel hers with the takeaway
She has 2 choices now and it's in your frame

1. Let you go till some other uncertain time in the future


2. Arrange a definite date, complete with time, day, venue

You will not arrange with this woman again past the 2nd time if she still isn't certain
Here I basically helped a particular Sabi Boy reply a girl whom was uncertain

The words are mine but he successfully arranged a definite date with my help

This method works

Like every tried and tested method of mine
For more methods that work

Buy my book; The Format via Okada Books:

If that's too much stress, dm me to purchase it at N3000

See my pinned tweet for further info on the book

It's my personally 3 year tried and tested procedure that guarantees success
You can follow @Sabi_boyz.
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