I frequently get asked who Windows 10X is for and why it exists. Microsoft internally is pushing 10X as a direct competitor to Chrome OS, driven by streamlined web and always-online experiences like Files on Demand, offloading unused apps, and app streaming.
There's a market for a modern, lightweight, cloud managed and web focused OS. That's why Chrome OS exists, and why Chromebooks are becoming popular in EDU markets. Windows 10 S is too much like old Windows to really compete alongside Chromebooks, so that's where 10X comes in.
10X, compared to normal 10, is more secure and has better performance on devices with low-end hardware, with excellent power management and faster Windows Updates, all of which are incredibly important for loaned-out school/work devices used by students/workers.
"Why does Windows need to exist in this space? Why not just get a Chromebook?" is the follow up question I get asked. Answer is why not? There are many schools/businesses out there who have been using Windows for years, and are familiar with how Windows PCs are IT managed.
If a school/business likes the idea of Chrome OS but are only familiar with how Windows is managed and deployed on their network and are utilizing M365 for their students/employees, then Chromebooks are out of the question. That's where 10X comes in.
10X natively supports Azure AD and all that other corporate jazz. Fact is, the Chrome OS market is a real market, and therefore, Microsoft needs to have something competing in that market too. Legacy Windows 10/S is not that product, but Windows 10X can be.
Unlike when Windows RT/10S launched, the idea that someone would want to use a PC that doesn't have Windows apps today isn't an alien idea. It's why Chrome OS is doing well. It's why the iPad as a laptop works for people. For many, modern workflows are increasingly browser based
I spend 95% of my time in a browser. I'm the perfect candidate for a Chrome OS device, but I don't want Chrome OS. I'd rather use Windows 10X, because I'm invested in the MS ecosystem. Same story with Chrome vs Chromium Edge really.
MS does want to position 10X as a more mainstream PC OS option eventually. But that is not the goal for 2021.

Windows 10X is the new Windows 10S, but this time with actual technical benefits and enhancements that make it a real Chrome OS alternative.
I think a lot of Windows die-hards are going to be shocked at how barebones/empty 10X is at launch. But that's the point of 10X, it's a lightweight, streamlined version of Windows. It's not the full fat Windows OS you know and love. That's by design. /end
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