Hi-Science time. Everyone is all worried about COVID variants. And they should be. RNA viruses mutate. A lot. Most mutations don't lead to anything. But some....well...they can be bad. However.....
The one thing these viruses need to do in order to mutate is to replicate. If they don't replicate, there is no chance to mutate. .....
The one thing viruses need to replicate is a host cell. Cells live in organisms. COVID susceptible cells live in humans.
So...if humans don't get exposed to the virus, their cells don't get infected, the virus doesn't replicate, and.....
We don't get highly pathogenic mutant strains. Funny how that works!
Yes, we have vaccines, but the best way to let these vaccines work is to keep the numbers of cases down.
That will lessen the chance of mutations that evade vaccines AND will lessen the number of sick and dead people we have.
The best way to keep numbers down is to socially distance, and wear a mask.
That way.....numbers stay down, people don't get exposed, cells don't get infected, the virus doesn't replicate and the virus doesn't have a chance to mutate!
Good talk...now carry on....
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