#NOW: The White House ellipse. Trump supporters are crowding into Constitution Ave. for a rally where the president is supposed to speak later.

This is the “March to Save America” — one of at least four pro-Trump events planned around today’s joint session of Congress.
That tent in the last clip is the security checkpoint where a mass of people are waiting to get in.

Flag poles and backpacks are banned from the rally space itself so people who won’t settle for the Jumbotron on the Mall are leaving them in piles.
Shortly before Giuliani started speaking, the screens ran a montage of Democrats including AOC and Warren who drew curses and jeers—“Pocahontas!” someone yelled. Struggling to get a good signal so tweets might be few for a while.
Trump is over half an hour late to his own rally but (as people near me are excitedly pointing out) that’s his motorcade rolling into the ellipse so I’d imagine it can’t be long. While I’m trying not to freeze here’s another view across the Mall.
Trump is on stage but it’s hard to see him between the incalculable number of flags and even harder to hear him because the sound setup is only barely reaching the Washington Monument. “LOUDER!” some of his supporters scream.
He’s racing from topic to topic. Ballots, Hunter Biden, the media, Stacey Abrams and now Bill Barr. In that order.

Meanwhile dozens are parading a gigantic flag on the Mall and it certainly seems as if there’s an unspoken competition afoot to have THE biggest one.
Speech isn’t over but Trump supporters are streaming toward the Capitol, down both Constitution and Independence avenues.

Trump just encouraged rally goers to head there; even if there isn’t a formal march I’m sure much of this crowd will end up on Capitol Hill anyway.
Extremely tense on the west front of the Capitol. You can tell there’s been ample pepper spray—the air stings.

Barricades have been breached and Trump supporters are pressing against a line of riot cops. Repeated yells of PUSH FORWARD.
What remains of a barricade. – bei U.S. Capitol - West Terrace
The situation on the west terrace where Capitol police are holding a line. Wafts of gas between loud thuds but nobody—neither cops nor the crowd—have budged in the last half hour.

“We’re fighting the police,” someone near me exclaims. Another: “We’ve been nice for too long.”
Trump supporters have mounted the rafters in place for the inauguration. – bei U.S. Capitol - West Terrace
Dozens have forced their way to the top. More coming up the steps. Police are trying to bolster their numbers through the west doors but someone with a fire extinguisher is dousing them from above. The crowd only keeps cheering. – bei United States Capitol
Remember that gigantic flag they had on the Mall during Trump’s speech?

Well... – bei United States Capitol
Fallen barricades were rushed to the Capitol and used as ladders to climb over ledges. They stormed it like a castle.

“If we keep moving forward, they won’t push us back,” says a man waving for people to get closer after the police line collapsed. – bei United States Capitol
The west front of the Capitol, taken and occupied by thousands of Trump supporters who don’t seem intent on leaving any time soon. Honestly no idea how this ends. Insane doesn’t come close to describing it all. – bei United States Capitol
Flashbangs and thick tear gas billowing over the Capitol rotunda. Riot police have reformed their lines three hours in and are pushing to retake the steps, ousting people from under the scaffolding. Crowd is slowly leaving.
Man with a Confederate flag is pepper sprayed, tackled to the ground and arrested after fighting with a line of riot cops rapidly advancing across the Capitol’s west lawn. “You’re all traitors” the dwindling crowd yells at police.
Its 6 p.m. and D.C. is under a curfew. Armored cops have control of the lawn again and the hundred or so Trump supporters still out here are wandering around First Street, where a loudspeaker is playing...Bob Marley. – bei United States Capitol
Tons of National Guard surged forward and pushed them halfway through the Capitol parking lot after an MPD officer announced on loudspeaker they’re all breaking curfew. No arrests post-curfew yet, at least not here.
Hang on, we’ve got a kettle. Heard a cop near me shout “nobody gets out” and almost instantly encircled Trump supporters milling about near the riot line. Not many at this point, maybe 50. Most others left on their own accord.
Looking behind police lines. Tons of National Guard and D.C. cops but I don’t have eyes on the people who were kettled anymore.

Can’t tell how many/if any got arrested, though the buses Capitol police often use for mass arrests are in the back.
Alas, after a batshit chaotic insane afternoon, all is calm at the Capitol.

To everyone asking: I’m alright. Tired and in dire need of a beer. But fine.

I’m heading home. Need to catch up on EVERYTHING ELSE that went down today. Collect my thoughts.
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